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My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
What is it with the Predatory Fowl and our WFO's?
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Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
Originally posted by kbartman View Post.
I had all little friend watched me work, stayed with me pretty much all day.
Looks good...but you should have done it in masonry.
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Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
Well the metal lath is complete............... Wow and I thought a stucco faux chimney was the easy way out. I think a real brick chimney would have been a breeze compared to all the work I put in the steel studs, cement board, tar paper and metal lath and then stucco. All those corners and angles took me forever to get the lath on............Oh well live and learn...........Got started on the brick accents.
Once I finish the brick work, I will be on the homeward stretch after stucco.
I had all little friend watched me work, stayed with me pretty much all day.
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Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
Yep, I know about that warranty.
I'm doing stucco and timber for my cabinet base. I use Durock permabase for the sheathing. Not sure when I'll get to the pour, I just finished travertine backsplashes, cabinets and plumbing in our master bath, and it's on to the granite counters and tile in the kitchen.
I'll probably squeeze the concrete somewhere in between it all...the good thing is, I have done it enough to where it's a relatively fast process... Should only take me 5-6 hours from layout to cover up.
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Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
Originally posted by stonecutter View PostI'm starting to sound like a broken record, but.... Don't use Hardieboard for exterior work. You want Durock for that.
Edit : Depending on how long you are waiting...since you are throwing a sheet of durock or something on the framing for a temporary counter, why not grab some cheap 24x24 travertine or granite tile and cover it up quick. In in FLA you can get natural tile that size for less than $4 a sqft., another reason I choose Hardie. Thanks again.
Originally posted by stonecutter View PostAbout 193 lbs give or take.
Support....your cleat in the back of your box should be supported so that the tapcons are not carrying the the whole load. Put a couple uprights in and you're good to go. The rest looks good.
Remember, don't try to adhere the concrete with a strong bond..like with epoxy, construction adhesive, thin set etc....you want it to remain independent and free to move, because that's what different materials do..expan and contract at different rates. Ex grade silicon or Lexel.
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Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
Originally posted by kbartman View PostI'm wondering what a 2" X 56 X 20" concrete counter would weigh and my support is suffcient?
Support....your cleat in the back of your box should be supported so that the tapcons are not carrying the the whole load. Put a couple uprights in and you're good to go. The rest looks good.
Remember, don't try to adhere the concrete with a strong bond..like with epoxy, construction adhesive, thin set etc....you want it to remain independent and free to move, because that's what different materials do..expan and contract at different rates. Ex grade silicon or Lexel.
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Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but.... Don't use Hardieboard for exterior work. You want Durock for that.
Edit : Depending on how long you are waiting...since you are throwing a sheet of durock or something on the framing for a temporary counter, why not grab some cheap 24x24 travertine or granite tile and cover it up quick. In in FLA you can get natural tile that size for less than $4 a sqft.Last edited by stonecutter; 01-16-2014, 07:18 AM.
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Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
Originally posted by kkgator View PostLike the progress KB.
I keep forgetting to say thanks to all............ This forum and all those posting, has allowed my slow but continued progress, to be successful. Many thanks again.....
..... I think the pressure treated lumber frame will be ample support for my counters tops. The plan is to cover the top 1/4" Hardee Board mainly to serve as a temporary counter top and keep weather out. I think it may be awhile before I get to the counter pours. I'm wondering what a 2" X 56 X 20" concrete counter would weigh and my support is suffcient?
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Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
Originally posted by boerwarrior View PostKB, I continue to follow your build. You are a patient man!!
Once my oven got to usable state, I decided to delay the final completion work until the spring.
Very, very nice work!
Patient man I'm not, just stubborn and persistent. I've been at this too long and ready to "Get her done"......Beside If I wait till spring it will be hot again, I love working in cooler weather. I remember not long ago when I plugged the dome, I about passed out from the heat. Its nice not to be drenched in sweat.
Got my cabinets framed out and ready for the concrete board and stucco.
The right side will have a prep sink......Now the I think about I should have recess the plumbing in the wall.................... Oops
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Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
KB, I continue to follow your build. You are a patient man!!
Once my oven got to usable state, I decided to delay the final completion work until the spring.
Very, very nice work!
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Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
Like the progress KB.
Been to many mullet-tosses that I can remember and have forgotten, Gulf!
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Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
Ahh bummer..... I 'll guess I will have to do it myself.............No Super bowl party here........All though I'm still trying for it
...........Got a little done on the cabinet bases.
Last edited by kbartman; 01-15-2014, 05:55 AM.
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Re: My 40" Inch pizza oven in Florida
Originally posted by kbartman View Post
Cool idea,
I thought about it when I seen yours. I really like the utility of it all.
I will send you the measurements and you can come install it for me.
While I concentrate on finishing my counters cabinets and stucco. You better hurry though, Super bowl is the deadline.
The Florabama is about as far into Florida as I only occasionly get. And I doubt that I will even have my oven finished by the Super Bowl.
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