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Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

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  • #46
    Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

    I just reciveid this letter from a really nice woman at H+H Sverige AB.
    I was unsure if these boards was actually their product.

    Translatet from google, it might be hard to interpret:

    "Hi Donald,

    Thanks for your mail through our website. It sounds like an exciting project with a wood-burning pizza oven.

    H + H delivers in the current situation are not products of the Bauhaus, so unfortunately I can not answer you if your tiles are leightweight concrete. Is it lightweight concrete, there are more different grades / densities of lightweight concrete that safely tolerate different amounts of heat. I suggest that you contact the Bauhaus and they can not help you, they know who hopefully supplier of the tiles they sell and are able to refer you to them.

    Good luck with the pizza oven.


    Maria Bengtsson

    marketing Coordinator"

    I'll soon be heading to Bauhaus and investigate this further.

    It's strange how google translates my name to Donald. Perhaps this is due to my nickname, the one everone calls me by, is Kalle. And in sweden Donald Duck is Kalle Anka.


    • #47
      Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

      Been sitting a while now and tried some different sizes on the stones for the dome structure. I think I have come up with something I'm satisfied with.
      The top row is without joints, now i can do that, Just a little more work. The saw im using can tilt in all directions.

      What do you think ?

      Best regards
      Last edited by Southboom; 08-30-2013, 05:00 PM.


      • #48
        Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

        The stones im using are tapered by default


        • #49
          Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

          Autoclaved airated concrete block . Are you using this for you under hearth insulation. If you do it does come with a warning from me. Portland cement products will start to break down at temps over 300C . So use, over time could see it start to break down.
          I have used it in my own oven under the hearth and its been three years now with no problems,But. I always say that that if you do use it realize this. And if you do put at least some some FBI board or pealite/cement layer to protect it against the worst of the heat
          Regards dave
          Measure twice
          Cut once
          Fit in position with largest hammer

          My Build

          My Door


          • #50
            Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

            Thank you for that information Dave!

            I didn't have time to go to the DIY store yesterday, but will make a visit and talk to them today.

            I think i will go with a Leca ball/cement mix since i have read others use this for insulation, and i'm in possession of a big bag of these. These have been heated and expanded much like the vermiculite and allthough not the same thermal performance, I think these will do the jobb. Do you think 1" is enought between the the floor and the airated concrete ?


            • #51
              Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

              okay, i usually am in the back ground soaking up all the posts and great information and suggestions. this is a great thread and am looking forward to karls build. it should be quite an adventure!!!

              keep building and posting pics when you can.

              tex, thanks for the technical info on the fire clay in post #25. i don't fully understand all of the technical statistics but am glad you are here to explain it. the company which supplied some of the refractory materials for my WFO went thru similar information and I stood there in awe while he explained what you stated. i trusted the fellow and so far have a great WFO.

              this is a post i for sure want to follow....for fun and facts.


              • #52
                Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

                Originally posted by Southboom View Post
                Thank you for that information Dave!

                I didn't have time to go to the DIY store yesterday, but will make a visit and talk to them today.

                I think i will go with a Leca ball/cement mix since i have read others use this for insulation, and i'm in possession of a big bag of these. These have been heated and expanded much like the vermiculite and allthough not the same thermal performance, I think these will do the jobb. Do you think 1" is enought between the the floor and the airated concrete ?
                I know nothing of that product but when it comes to insulation you can never really overdo it so go 2 inchs
                Regards dave
                Measure twice
                Cut once
                Fit in position with largest hammer

                My Build
                My Door


                • #53
                  Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

                  I too have aerated conrete blocks under mine with no issues. They do seem very breakable and soft, but the compressive force is pretty good. So easy to cut too!
                  Just be sure that you understand the risks of using materials that aren't necesarily on the FB recommended list, that's all. erm...come to think of it...most of my materials weren't on the FB recommended list!
                  I too looked into LECA as a repacement to Vermiculite. I would have used it, if it were more available to me and i didn't have an account at the builders merchant for materials discount, who had 100s of bags of vermiculite available. LECA is formed by high temps and is terracotta, so it'll hold up. Just make sure that you have plenty of size grades witin the mix.
                  As Dave said, get as much under the oven as possible. I think you might struggle to lay just 25mm of it though. depends on the size of the grains i suppose!

                  Good Luck, if i ever get to visit Stockholm i'll send you a PM. Its on my bucket list!


                  • #54
                    Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

                    Hi Karl. Thanks for the welcome in my thread. I like the door too. In my friends torp (Swedish term for a little red house in the woods from which you imigrate to America) in Sm?land they have barrel vault oven with a door from Norrhammar Bruk. Same size it appears, but different ornament. It is fired in a separate compartment, but we never dared to fire it up - yet.


                    • #55
                      Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

                      Jon, thanks for all the kind words. And this is a nice fact about your name:

                      Now i have been doing some genealogy research lately. And Jon is probably one of the most commonly names in Sweden in the 17th and 18th century, and alot of men goes by this name. There are also a lot of Jonsdotter and Jonsson. Alot of people goes by this name today as well.

                      And your absolutely right, building and progress should be prio number one.
                      But i also think there will be plenty of room for my escapades as well.

                      And today, being weekend and all. I have no intention to work.
                      Except from drawing the dome, which in itself is a big challenge.

                      You that follow this thread also know that i've had some setbacks and now this discussion on materials. I have it pretty clear on how i will proceed, thanks to you guys.

                      Though i'm sure it's fine to use these aerated blocks now, with this layer of leca/cement mix above, i'm a curious bastard. So i'm now on my way to the DIY store to discusst this matter, and hopefully they know who the maker of these blocks are so i can look them up further.

                      Last edited by Southboom; 08-31-2013, 02:18 PM.


                      • #56
                        Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

                        The trip was sucessful. There was this helpfull guy, allthough he didn't knew if these blocks was suitible for my conserns. He told me that these was for indoor use and bathrooms (something i already knew), They are isolating and fireproof. But he looked up the manufacturer of these.

                        Now he said Exell, maybe it's excell or exel ? I asked and he shurley said there was an X in there. I should have asked about the full spelling.

                        Couldn't find anything in the search for these.
                        But i don't think it's a problem, cause while on the bright side of the internet i found this.

                        HOUSE OF THE FUTURE:

                        Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Discovery Channel Show Part 2 - YouTube

                        Now this guy is really witty, a little too much even for my own liking. But we do have something in common, we both LOVE lightweight concrete. I'm actually thinking of building my own bed out of this. I don't know the date this program was aired. But i'm glad all you Americans have access to these nowadays. And it's also isolating, a quiet pizza oven. Now think about that!

                        I think i'm safe to go with just these now, no insulating layer in between. And i do have this fire board underneath. There will also be this fire clay/sand underneath the floor for leveling.

                        Strange things happens to me nowadays. Before i reached my home today, this little girl had here sights on me. She was on this little walk/kick bike with pinkish wheels and she actually had plenty of room and distance to sidestep me. I reached my hands in the air and asked if she was gonna run me over, and i had to dogde her ongoing. She said of nothing, just maintaining her speed and course. Behind her came what i think was her grandpa and we shifted a bit of words.
                        - There is no way of stopping her while shes up to speed.

                        I was amused by this answere. Things like this makes my day worth while.

                        It's good to see others have used these AAC blocks, now i'm not alone.

                        Originally posted by Bookemdanno View Post
                        Good Luck, if i ever get to visit Stockholm i'll send you a PM. Its on my bucket list!
                        You are always welcome, but this fall and winter i am pretty occupied. But when the spring and summer is here, there's also time for such.
                        Stockholm isn't much fun in the winter anyway.
                        Last edited by Southboom; 08-31-2013, 02:21 PM.


                        • #57
                          Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

                          Originally posted by David Exner View Post
                          Hi Karl. Thanks for the welcome in my thread. I like the door too. In my friends torp (Swedish term for a little red house in the woods from which you imigrate to America) in Sm?land they have barrel vault oven with a door from Norrhammar Bruk. Same size it appears, but different ornament. It is fired in a separate compartment, but we never dared to fire it up - yet.
                          Cool!, Now i know of these iron cast Manufacturers from sweden:
                          Kockum, Husqvarna, Norrahammar and Bolinder's who had their industries close to me. It's nice to see that their old facilities are well preserved and that there are small buisness there. I think they are K-marked, so that no one could wreck these down. All above mentioned have made great products, i actually use a Kockum frying pan for my hearth in my forge that i built. Works really great!

                          You can see it in my #4 post.

                          And if it's something you want to ask about conserning your build, feel free to do that in Dansish if you like, because some english building thermes can be hard to understand. Now Danish is easy to read for me but is sometimes impossible to understand, how do you guys understand each other anyway?

                          It's been all to long since i wisited Denmark. Your lowlands is just to great. And your Islands, Now i have never been to Bornholm, but i hope to do that some day. Also Copenhagen is a really nice city, the visit to Carlsberg was a really nice experience.

                          By the way, is Rockwool a product of Denmark ?. As i can read that thier headquarters are in the outskirts of Copenhagen.
                          Last edited by Southboom; 08-31-2013, 02:26 PM.


                          • #58
                            Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

                            One night, i woke up way to early. Couldn't go to sleep again, and as i love photography i decided to go out and take some photos of the dawn.
                            This was on August 22

                            #1 Now this is kind of sceary, Pizzas are on to me. As i have mentioned before, I see all sorts of things related to pizzas and ovens nowadays. I guess I'm not alone in this.

                            #2 10 cm of Rockwool!, now i'm not a thief in any way. But i really like to steal these. but i won't. And I already have more than plenty enough.

                            #3 Rebarb mesh, about 10mm in diameter, not bad.

                            #4 Morning hours in Jakobsberg, the name of my community.

                            #5 Concret blocks

                            #6 One day nature will take over and things will be back to normal
                            Last edited by Southboom; 08-31-2013, 11:23 AM.


                            • #59
                              Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

                              #1 These would make a great stand, It's actually the same kind that the A-team (bench drinkers) have as an barbeque. I refere to my #11 post.
                              These are actually spread thru out the municipality. Concrete Jungle

                              #2 #3 #4 From the last days of summer. My trip to this new place i found and really like, I'll actually have photos of this later on and some of them regarding firebricks and ovens. But for now i'll post these pictures. We made some shorter stops, this is on the way there. Dated August 25

                              #5 This is actually where it all started, the plans on building the oven. Now this is right behind of the place im building on. So often after dinner my parents sits and watch me as i work, and my dad dosen't hesitates of commenting on everything i do. And sometimes he comes and scares the shit out of me, saying im doing it all wrong! Much to his amusement.
                              He is actually being kind of immobile at the moment, he has this osteoarthritis in his shoulders, and I feel a bit sorry for him. August 9

                              #6 This is from this early morning, later on, when the busses had been put to service. This is also my take on the American painter who's work i love, Edward Hopper.
                              Last edited by Southboom; 08-31-2013, 12:21 PM.


                              • #60
                                Re: Somewhere in the slumering suburbs of Stockholm

                                Now that I reflect on this. This was actually the day before I photographed the A-team's quarters. This is the bag you can see to the right of the rebar mesh. This was like an omen of what was to become.
                                Now i don't belive in coincidences. But this is kind of unsetteling in a way.

                                Could it be possible that these construction waste bags could predict what was to come ?
                                Last edited by Southboom; 08-31-2013, 01:44 PM.

