Hi all. I,m Mario from Norway I,m half Italian and miss Italy and the food so much so I buildt this oven 
First I want to thank Forno Bravo and forum for all the inspiration for this project. Also a great thank to Andrea and this video Costruire un forno a legna - YouTube
I have spent my spare time, building this pizza oven in my garden near Oslo. Unfortunately I have to quit now because it get colder and the vinter is coming soon. not good for masonry work in cold Norway. But looking forward to continue in the spring
and will post more pictures then. Now I,m about curing the oven, and i hope making a Pizza next month.
My plan is to cover all in natural stone and have a big chimney in stone.

First I want to thank Forno Bravo and forum for all the inspiration for this project. Also a great thank to Andrea and this video Costruire un forno a legna - YouTube
I have spent my spare time, building this pizza oven in my garden near Oslo. Unfortunately I have to quit now because it get colder and the vinter is coming soon. not good for masonry work in cold Norway. But looking forward to continue in the spring

My plan is to cover all in natural stone and have a big chimney in stone.