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temperature measurement

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  • temperature measurement

    Hello Iam close to roofing my oven in and closing in the sides, and was thinking if anyone had a prefered place to put the temperature probe in the oven if you are only using one, which is what Iam planning to do.

    Thanks Grant.

  • #2
    Re: temperature measurement

    The floor, as it will always be the lowest temp.


    • #3
      Re: temperature measurement

      Thanks, I will try and get it as low as the floor then, makes sense, thats where I will be cooking.



      • #4
        Re: temperature measurement

        A good man [KD] once told me the only temperature gauge needed is one that reads air temp. A heat gun is fine for Pizza.

        Once the oven equalises Air temp is all that is needed as wall, floor air should all be the same within a few degrees.

        My firings have followed this pattern burn strong for 2 hours, remove coals, put the door on wait for 90 minutes for oven to equalise at this point only air temp is important.
        Cheers Colin

        My Build - Index to Major Build Stages


        • #5
          Re: temperature measurement


          Thanks for the advise, the reason why I was thinking away from a gun type thermostat was that the ones I looked at, all only went up to 400deg cell.

          And the other one with a probe went up to 1100 deg cell, but it means a hole in the oven, which I havent planned for all though it is not to late for me to put one in.
          They compare in cost.
          How hot do these ovens get? and do I need to know the temp over 400deg?

          I would prefer to get the gun type, because I can use if for other things.



          • #6
            Re: temperature measurement

            Definitely want to read over 400 degrees.
            Here is mine: Infrared
            My build documentary page:

            Avoid at all costs that vile spew you see rotting in oil in screwtop jars. Too lazy to peel fresh? You don't deserve to eat garlic." Bourdain


            • #7
              Re: temperature measurement

              Most ovens will reach a temp of around 1000F to clear the dome. I found an IR gun on amzon for just under $30. It works great for the floor and wall temps. That way I know when we can cook other foods which require a lesser temp than pizza.


              • #8
                Re: temperature measurement

                Originally posted by clinch View Post

                Thanks for the advise, the reason why I was thinking away from a gun type thermostat was that the ones I looked at, all only went up to 400deg cell.

                And the other one with a probe went up to 1100 deg cell, but it means a hole in the oven, which I havent planned for all though it is not to late for me to put one in.
                They compare in cost.
                How hot do these ovens get? and do I need to know the temp over 400deg?

                I would prefer to get the gun type, because I can use if for other things.

                What practical use is a thermometer that reads more then 400 c with regard to a WFO


                • #9
                  Re: temperature measurement

                  I think I was talking Fahrenheit and he was talking Celsius. 400c=750f. Im no pro but I would think one would like to know just how "over" he was if he got it too hot.
                  My build documentary page:

                  Avoid at all costs that vile spew you see rotting in oil in screwtop jars. Too lazy to peel fresh? You don't deserve to eat garlic." Bourdain


                  • #10
                    Re: temperature measurement

                    Mine tops out at around 550C and it is a little annoying when I point it at the top of the dome and it won't give a reading because it's too high. I rarely use it now because the thing only reads the surface temperature which is not a good indication unless the oven is saturated and there's no active fire.
                    Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.


                    • #11
                      Re: temperature measurement

                      That is I guess more my point we all have tended to spend of IR thermometers when we start to use our WFOs but quickly learn that a white dome and flour works best for pizza and a bi metal type thermometer reading stable oven temps through the door for $30 works best for roasting and baking so you could probably save the $


                      • #12
                        Re: temperature measurement

                        SWMBO bought me an IR gun for last birthday reads to 1200c NOW THATS OVERKILL - isn't she a sweet heart it also has a thermocouple plug so I can use it with Type K thermocouples. A bit pricey I think it was $130AUD reduced from about $180. Very versatile.

                        I do get the clearing and flour test idea but the toys are much more fun.
                        Cheers Colin

                        My Build - Index to Major Build Stages


                        • #13
                          Re: temperature measurement

                          Thanks for all the valuable input on my question about temperature reading,

                          Sorry Iam so late getting back I have been busy on the oven which I have fired now and testing out well.

                          I have concluded at this stage to just get one of those kitchen oven type shelf mount stainless steel thermometers which read up to 300degc.

                          It would be the best value for money, they are around 60nzdollar and the IR type are 200nzdollar.

                          As for the pizza cooking, from what everyone is saying you cant take your eye of them anyway so it dosent matter to much what temperature you are runing as long as it is hot enough to get a base going with out burning the top.

                          I guess if I sit the stainless steel one on the floor and take it out at 250degc

                          That should be hot enough to cook a pizza?

                          Anyway from that point if I put more wood on I know it will be getting hotter!.

                          The more accurate readings would be for the roasting and breads I would have thought.

                          I have built the whole dome out of fire brick refractory cement, and fire clay, sand mix, and broken fire brick of cuts crushed in to aggregate.

                          So I dont think I will have a problem if it gets to hot.



                          • #14
                            Re: temperature measurement

                            Originally posted by oasiscdm View Post
                            SWMBO bought me an IR gun for last birthday reads to 1200c NOW THATS OVERKILL - isn't she a sweet heart it also has a thermocouple plug so I can use it with Type K thermocouples. A bit pricey I think it was $130AUD reduced from about $180. Very versatile.

                            I do get the clearing and flour test idea but the toys are much more fun.
                            Have you used your IR gun to measure the temp of your thick stainless pipe and the refractory surrounding it? I'd be interested in seeing the results. Sounds like your oven is working well.

                            Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.


                            • #15
                              Re: temperature measurement

                              You can't use an IR gun to measure the temperature of a low emissivity (shiny surfaces generally are) material like stainless steel.

                              One trick you can use is to spread some soot onto the stainless surface and then measure the temperature of that. Then wipe it off afterwards of course if you want the shinyness back!

