Randy, I'm surprised your oven didn't collapse on the spot
Seriously, I think if you said you preferred frozen it would be sacrilege, but to take advantage of the heat in your oven and cook a quick meal it's a good trick. When I first saw your post, I thought you maybe had frozen one of your home made pies and they cooked it later - that is a trick I might try. We did try to cook a gluten free pizza on Mother's day that my wife first baked the crust in the house oven (sacrilege maybe) then threw in the wfo to cook the toppings. The cheap sheet metal pan potato chipped in the heat, so I think I need something more like the pan you used - where did you get yours?

Seriously, I think if you said you preferred frozen it would be sacrilege, but to take advantage of the heat in your oven and cook a quick meal it's a good trick. When I first saw your post, I thought you maybe had frozen one of your home made pies and they cooked it later - that is a trick I might try. We did try to cook a gluten free pizza on Mother's day that my wife first baked the crust in the house oven (sacrilege maybe) then threw in the wfo to cook the toppings. The cheap sheet metal pan potato chipped in the heat, so I think I need something more like the pan you used - where did you get yours?