Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
Good looking bread, Dave. I hope you dipped that in a olive oil/balsamic vinegar mix. Those awesome holes will soak up all that yumminess!
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Dave's Pics of Progress
Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
Originally posted by asudavew View PostHow is your cooking going?
Getting to know your oven well?
And how bout that mortar coating.
Have you got any new pics?.
The cooking is going well though, pizzas are always a blast and roasts are getting better. I need to get used to heating up all that thermal mass! All I can say is, I'm glad I didn't add any cladding... In any case, there'll be some pics of our christmas turkey soon.
Actually I really miss building, and posting progress. But like so many others I guess I'll just have to wait for Spring...
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Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
Got the 10" wet saw several months ago. Been using it for all my floor bricsks, and now, 3 courses worth of 1/2's for the dome too. I have just put my tent up today, and just in time. We have a three day storm coming in, and who knows how much will come out of it. I now need to get my floor bricks shaved on top for smooth surface, cardboard for the perimeter, arch wall up, and solder course in place. I believe I can have that done by end of weekend. I want to be smart but aggressive in dome work. Watch my thread to see the work and thanks for asking.
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Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
Originally posted by Acoma View PostAll a chef needs are people to serve. You have 6?
Children's friends on weekends, and others.... Weekend cooking usually means 10+. Weekdays... 6-10.
The more the merrier in my book.
Your floor looks great Robert.
How are you moving along?
Did you get the 10" brick saw from Harbor Freight?
That is one thing I wish I would of purchased, that, and the heatstop or an equivalent.
I can't wait to see your oven. I am sure it will be beautiful!
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Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
All a chef needs are people to serve. You have 6?
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Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
Originally posted by Frances View PostGosh, and that looks fantastic! Even better than the door! I am continually in awe of your cooking...
Cooking has always been my favorite hobby. As a young child I had aspirations of about being a chef .
I guess I am ... even if it is just home! ( but i guess that's the best place!)
How is your cooking going?
Getting to know your oven well?
And how bout that mortar coating.
Have you got any new pics?Last edited by asudavew; 12-17-2007, 01:07 PM.
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Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
Gosh, and that looks fantastic! Even better than the door! I am continually in awe of your cooking...
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Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
And I made some bread over the weekend.
A two day bread. The recipe was posted by James and came from this thread:
Quite tasty I must say. And not too difficult.
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Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
I also installed a couple of thermocouples.
The first pic shows the thermo that I installed in the floor.
The second shows the one in the dome.
The third is of my therm reader. It was showing the reading of the dome at that time.
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Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
Finally finished my door. It ended up a bit tight. So I will probably build another that is a bit smaller.
I'll use this one for a draft door after that.
I also upgraded my vent system. I managed to find 8" pipe and a transition locally. The transition had to be modified a bit with my tin snips. I will eventually cover the whole thing with chicken wire, some mortar, and then vermcrete. I think doing these things will help to create a better draw. Although, after upgrading from a 6 inch pipe, the draft is far superior.
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Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
I've been working on a door.
So I wanted to add a link to that thread.
I guess I need to add one for my troubled arch too.
Just trying to keep things a bit organized.
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Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
Now that I think of it, I didn't have them in Italy during either of my two stays there. I don't remember mosquitoes either though. Sure were a lot of moths in the food and clothes though.
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Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
Originally posted by dmun View PostWhat's with the no-window-screens in Europe bit? Don't you have bugs?
....I don't know, maybe its a cultural thing, but people just don't put in window screens around here. Come to think of it, I've never seen any in southern Europe either, and they have their fair share of bugs. Interesting, now why would that be so different?
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Re: Dave's Pics of Progress
90 second video was great!!
Also nice to hear your family keeping the memory of the Romantics alive!!!
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