My volunteer has shown up for the clostrophobic part of the inner dome pointing. His name is Neil. He likes pizza too.
No announcement yet.
my volunteer has just arrived
my volunteer has just arrived
see below for my oven album of progress to date None
Re: my volunteer has just arrived
Lucky for you Wayne.
That's a small hole to squeeze in to, and oxygen levels get low quick!
You better feed him well!
First pizza I would think!
Congrats on your progress.
Everything is looking really good.
Re: my volunteer has just arrived
Good for you Wayne! I got a little freaked out when I shimmied into my oven (face up) for the first time. I felt totally claustrophobic and my heart started to jump out of my chest.I had to tell myself, 'It's ok Rick, you're not in some Crypt, you're just in the dome you built!' After awhile it got kinda' peaceful and pretty comfortable!
I did however, need to keep one hand on the outside arch as a security blanket!
(Actually the only way I could fit through the door was one arm over my shoulder and the other down by my side.) I was hoping my wife wouldn't come home and have to pry me out with a giant shoe horn!!! Tell Neil you owe him Pizza(s)!!!!
RickView my pictures at,
Re: my volunteer has just arrived
Cool pics
Either your dome is smaller than mine or your help is bigger than me - it certainly looks like a tight fit!
I quite liked it inside the dome, nice and peaceful. Actually I considered moving in permanently. But the best moment was when I thought my children had removed the chair I needed to climb out again"Building a Brick oven is the most fun anyone can have by themselves." (Terry Pratchett... slightly amended)
Re: my volunteer has just arrived
It seemed to me that the closer you were to finishing your oven the more "help" that became available. I certainly had more help after my dome was nearing completion....
Looking good!!!!!
Re: my volunteer has just arrived
Great! Even better than hiring a neighborhood teenager..... and the price is right!
Everyone makes mistakes. The trick is to make mistakes when nobody is looking.