Working my way through the enttry arch shown in attachment here and planning the transiton to chimney.
My question is after anchor plate is mortared in place and I screw my stainless stack to anchor plate I am not sure about how to transition between my vermiculite concrete and (type N mortar that will hold my small stones that will face the oven). Can I bring both of the vermic concrete and type N mortar up to and touching the stainless stack?
Should I leave a bit of a space and fill in with a high heat silicone or something? ....thanks wayne
My question is after anchor plate is mortared in place and I screw my stainless stack to anchor plate I am not sure about how to transition between my vermiculite concrete and (type N mortar that will hold my small stones that will face the oven). Can I bring both of the vermic concrete and type N mortar up to and touching the stainless stack?
Should I leave a bit of a space and fill in with a high heat silicone or something? ....thanks wayne