Two small cracks have developed while re-curing my dome. They are small, in fact I can't even see them now that it has cooled, but they were there yesterday at 400 degrees. I am not even concerned with the one down the left side. Some furnace caulk gooped on there will do the trick. But the one in front came down and cracked my front arch right next to my river-rock keystone!
It is small, but right in front and unacceptible!
I am thinking that I should try to put some mortar in that one (on the inside arch) when it is hot so it can't close back up, and then hammer out my keystone and re-set it.
And thoughts or advice?

I am thinking that I should try to put some mortar in that one (on the inside arch) when it is hot so it can't close back up, and then hammer out my keystone and re-set it.
And thoughts or advice?