This excerpt is from Wickipedia when I was researching a stronger cement........There are at least two reasons why sculptors and builders who build for the long term avoid zinc coated wire such as poultry netting. 1) Galvanized steel used for animal cages is not required to be high quality steel. 2) Zinc is similar to copper chemically; it disolves slowly in the concrete matrix. Ferrocement artifacts utilizing zinc within the concrete matrix are only acceptable for the short time horizon of modern buildings or boat hulls. Sculptors and builders who build for a future of many centuries use uncoated high quality steel. A small quantity of galvanized wire is not harmful as the outer armature layer to hold fresh plaster in place.
page link Ferrocement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
any comments? where do you find high quality uncoated steel?
page link Ferrocement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
any comments? where do you find high quality uncoated steel?