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Mullins Luxy Build

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  • Mullins Luxy Build

    Thanks you everyone for your help and previous threads. The forum is a truly wonderful resource. I am an Irish man living in Luxembourg, so this will be the Lux build.

    So, I guess I have gotten to the stage where I (think I) am ready to pour the concrete for the foundation. I figured I may as well start a build thread...

    I have dug the foundation (about 19cm or 20cm) , and laid the gravel (8cm). I have cut the forms, and cut the steel, and laid it all in place. At this stage I think all I have to do is lay the plastic, tie the steel up, and level the forms...

    The foundation is 150cm (59") square back edges, 90cm (35.5")sides, and 84.5cm( 33.25") front angle, on a corner build. Ideally I would like a 36 inch igloo build, but in truth that will be a bit tight, so it will reduce a bit. Rebar is 12mm (0.5") at 27cm (10.6") distance

    Before I take the next step of moving on to the pour, any veterans have any pointers for me? Pics attached.

    Thanks and wish me luck!

    Last edited by Mullins; 09-12-2015, 01:25 PM. Reason: minor edit

  • #2

    Congrats on starting! I started in April and am about done...a week to go, hopefully!

    I would make one recommendation, and it may not be valid. You have rebar sticking out of two sides. Are you going to be extending the slab in the future? If not, I'd cut your rebar off and keep all rebar 2" from the sides of the slab. Rebar that gets exposed to water in concrete will rust and cause problems down the road, esp. if there are freeze-thaw cycles.

    See my build thread here.

    See my build album here.


    • #3

      Yes, that was done intentionally. the current plan is to run a counter/prep area on both sides, and hopefully build a BBQ or parilla (next year) also. I want to do it in phases so I don't bite off more than I can chew...

      This year foundation, block stand and possibly hearth, and early spring the dome. And then, depending on how I fare, keep going...

      Any suggestions on covering up the exposed rebar until next Summer?



      • #4

        If your stoneworks looks anything like the communal oven then your oven is going to be epic. On another note, you can always drill and pin your rebar later when your ready to extend your slab. I think you are okay for an igloo (no enclosure) with the following assumptions 36" id, 2 x 4.5" for brick (9"), 2x 3" for insulation (6"), 2x1" for final shell coating (2") = 36+9+6+2=53" min. You could always cantilever the hearth slab a couple inches if you need more width and depth.
        Google Photo Album []


        • #5

          I looked at your build last night, looking good. Will go through it in detail over the weekend! Good luck with finalising the build!


          I unfortunately doubt my skills will be anywhere in the ballpark of that communal build (nor still standing in 175 years!), but we live in hope!

          I thought my measurements were enough, but as I look at similarly sized ovens, their footprints can sometimes be up to a foot bigger than mine... (always half doubting I have left something out!)

          On the rebar, I guess I was trying to save the future drilling and pinning by doing it now with minimum fuss. Will leaving it exposed for a winter have adverse effects? Then it should be an easy decision...




          • #6
            I am assuming you are doing an igloo and not enclosing the dome. This reduces the hearth foot print by the 2 times the thickness of the enclosure wall and final wall coating, ie sheathing, handi board, rock veneer etc. The rebar now or later is up to you, short term exposure should not be an issue, if you are concerned you can always by a can of primer as a temp coat.
            Google Photo Album []


            • #7
              Ok, a small bit of progress on the build. I took a half day on Thursday and poured the slab with my father in law. I'm happy enough the way it turned out. Appears to be pretty level. I used pre-mixed bags, and we used twelve 40kg (88lb) bags.

              There was a bit of minor panic as water started to seep under the form of my corner cut-out. All other sides had been pinned back. In the end it was fine, I jammed another board up against the corner with a rock and a brick!

              We then did about 3 hours this evening, and started dry-stacking the walls. It was a small bit more complex than I thought it was going to be. Belgian concrete blocks are not open at both ends! They also have three holes, and not two. In order to dry-stack and fill the cores, we had to hammer the sealed end out of the concrete blocks (three holes per block). Hopefully finish dry stacking on Monday as we are not allowed use power tools her on Sundays (provided the other half does not give birth!).

              Pictures attached. Any questions, please let me know…

              Can anyone advise by the way who had built the corner build, and used garage door rails to put a trolley in? I know I have seen it, but cannot remember on whose build it was…


              ​Yes, planning on an igloo. Thanks for putting my mind at ease.

              Last edited by Mullins; 09-12-2015, 01:55 PM. Reason: Font sizes changing on their own


              • #8
                It is not a corner build, but is this the one that you may have seen?
                Oven Drawer on Garage Door guides
                Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


                • #9
                  Hi Gulf,
                  I certainly remember that oven drawer (it's yours, no?)! That is much further on than where I am, or what I am currently looking for. I've bookmarked those pics for later.

                  What I was looking for was the build which had block walls framing up where the drawer would slide. The green walls on the attached (crudely drawn) doodle. I was having questions around the angles of the walls, and the main walls, and how best to align them.

                  I was thinking about cutting the blocks, and last night saw that RandyJ had done exactly what I had in my head (but he took it to the next level by doing the arch lintel also in one pour). Father in law thinks that is too much work and not necessary. I may look to copy RandyJ here thou (copying is the best form of flattery, no!?)

                  Can anyone suggest other corner builds I could look to for ideas? Not as many of them around on the forum...



                  • #10
                    Hi Gulf,

                    There is a discussion in RandyJ's build thread about using a lazy Susan in a corner build. Did anyone ever do it and document it?




                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mullins View Post
                      Hi Gulf,

                      There is a discussion in RandyJ's build thread about using a lazy Susan in a corner build. Did anyone ever do it and document it?



                      I was in on that discussion. And, to my knowledge, no one has documented a finished Lazy Susan.

                      Originally posted by Mullins View Post
                      ............Can anyone advise by the way who had built the corner build, and used garage door rails to put a trolley in? I know I have seen it, but cannot remember on whose build it was?..............Eoin
                      The only corner build that I can think of that may fit this description would be Sablespring’s.

                      Check out The Dragonfly here.

                      I hope this helps .
                      Last edited by Gulf; 09-13-2015, 06:44 AM.
                      Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


                      • #12

                        Attached is the dry-stacked block-stand. Last 6 half-blocks were input today. Ready to pour the cores. Father in law cut the steel when I was at work, and they are in the cores. he left them 6 inches short. To save this now, i will cross the steel and drop into the concrete in the cores...

                        Click image for larger version

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                        • #13
                          Hi Gulf,
                          I thought of SableSprings as well, but it's not the one I am thinking of? Thanks


                          • #14
                            Gulf, I found it… It was Russell's...

                            This picture was what I was thinking of. Looking at it now, he does seem to lose a decent amount of space. I will have a think about it…

                            Last edited by Mullins; 09-14-2015, 02:02 PM. Reason: spelling


                            • #15

                              I boxed mine in because I was planning on having a pull out box like Gulf and also I really did not want to crawl way back in the corner with all the bugs and critters. Some people have put a wall up in the middle with access from both sides. What ever works for you. I also wanted some support walls around the perimeter of my dome eventhough the hearth is 6" with 12" on center #5 rebar.
                              Google Photo Album []

