I've been a lurker for a couple years admiring your builds and dreaming of a pizza oven. I had a bunch of CMU block left over from raised garden beds and decided to jump in and start building. I met with Russell and got a great deal on some ceramic blanket and checked out his fine work of art he calls a pizza oven. Wow pictures dont do that thing justice. Anyway I have lots of questions as I continue building. I have my pad poured, support wall up and reinforced structural hearth complete as well as cut my form for the interior arch. I think im going to do 6" of pcrete as I found 4 cu ft bags of perlite at J and J nursery for about $17 per bag.
A few questions that I'm trying to answer now at the moment. Many other questions to follow im sure.
1. Where do I get decent firebrick in utah?
I've called around to numerous places and most just resale interstate brick firebrick and up charge. Harbeson Walkier International sales there own brick but its quite a bit more expensive. Interstate brick sales there firebrick for about $2 a piece but .... they told me the brick size is 2.25" not 2.5" I spoke with someone from ksl that was offering used kiln brick (which would require grinding off mortar from each brick and was in kindof rough shape for $1.50 each) he was surprised I found fire brick for $2 a piece so he said he called interstate and they said there brick was rated at only 1000F? I plan on calling and confirming temp rating on the brick (seems very low) hopefully thats incorrect but the 2.25" brick height is a bummer, it would mean more bricks to build the oven then I planned for and adjusting my IT as I made it to be centered on at 2.5" brick height. Other places I see mentioned in Utah threads talk about interpace which is out of business and buehner block which is also out of business.
Is there another place to find brick that Im not thinking of? Im frequenting KSL classifieds daily and am considering the used kiln brick that is a higher duty firebrick and sized normally but seems like it will take lots of work and time to grind off old mortar?
2. How deep of a "tunnel" or exterior arch do I build?
My hearth is quite deep and Im about to pour my pcrete. I centered the forms on my hearth but then second guessed it a I had lots of space behind and in front of the dome. I moved it back but then that felt like quite the reach. Do you guys like your oven to be closer to the front of the hearth or do you have a big landing or long tunnel? The long tunnel seems bad as it might make it more difficult to work things in the oven.
3. CalSil or stick with pcrete?
I'm planning to use 6" of pcrete to insulate the hearth and have it formed up. Will I wish I spent more money on calSil? What are drawbacks of pcrete besides height required to insulate similar to CalSil. EJ Bartells tells me they dont have calsil board but could get me a 1.5" by 12" by 36" tile and Its works out to about $6 dollars a sq ft and I would need to buy at least 36 sq ft for them to ship it to there Utah office. Its a weekend and I really want to work on this so will likely go with 6" pcrete.
A few questions that I'm trying to answer now at the moment. Many other questions to follow im sure.
1. Where do I get decent firebrick in utah?
I've called around to numerous places and most just resale interstate brick firebrick and up charge. Harbeson Walkier International sales there own brick but its quite a bit more expensive. Interstate brick sales there firebrick for about $2 a piece but .... they told me the brick size is 2.25" not 2.5" I spoke with someone from ksl that was offering used kiln brick (which would require grinding off mortar from each brick and was in kindof rough shape for $1.50 each) he was surprised I found fire brick for $2 a piece so he said he called interstate and they said there brick was rated at only 1000F? I plan on calling and confirming temp rating on the brick (seems very low) hopefully thats incorrect but the 2.25" brick height is a bummer, it would mean more bricks to build the oven then I planned for and adjusting my IT as I made it to be centered on at 2.5" brick height. Other places I see mentioned in Utah threads talk about interpace which is out of business and buehner block which is also out of business.

2. How deep of a "tunnel" or exterior arch do I build?
My hearth is quite deep and Im about to pour my pcrete. I centered the forms on my hearth but then second guessed it a I had lots of space behind and in front of the dome. I moved it back but then that felt like quite the reach. Do you guys like your oven to be closer to the front of the hearth or do you have a big landing or long tunnel? The long tunnel seems bad as it might make it more difficult to work things in the oven.
3. CalSil or stick with pcrete?
I'm planning to use 6" of pcrete to insulate the hearth and have it formed up. Will I wish I spent more money on calSil? What are drawbacks of pcrete besides height required to insulate similar to CalSil. EJ Bartells tells me they dont have calsil board but could get me a 1.5" by 12" by 36" tile and Its works out to about $6 dollars a sq ft and I would need to buy at least 36 sq ft for them to ship it to there Utah office. Its a weekend and I really want to work on this so will likely go with 6" pcrete.