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  • #31
    My door - 25lbs!Click image for larger version

Name:	9BD37D5B-15DC-4DDF-B42A-4D3C7020CCE1.jpeg
Views:	436
Size:	125.5 KB
ID:	413305


    • #32
      3rd curing fire ~ 450F. All good so far .... heats up , smoke goes up the chimney and no cracks.


      • #33
        Finally had a chance to fully remove the tarp arrangement “pizza hut” that has surrounded my oven since last October. The oven can breathe once again. Just finished insulating and applying the layer of vermicrete. Ready for the stucco finish.


        • #34
          Finished my oven.... well mostly, I still have the stonework on the base. I’ve finished the outside with riverwash stone - a very painstaking process but I am happy with the end result. My original mistake with brick orientation does not seem to have impacted the ovens performance in any perceptible manner - no cracks and heat retention seems similar to the portion of the dome that had the correct orientation.

          My one regret wad not using more insulation in the floor.?I had 5” of vermicrete but it still acts as a heat sink. All in all I am very happy and we have hosted many great dinners ( and breakfasts).

