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It's worth it.

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  • It's worth it.

    I haven't posted in a while, since my project actually got finisher (well except for the door I still need to make), so I thought I'g give this as an update. Sometimes in the throes of building we lose a little perspective in going after that perfect arch joint angle. When I went to Pompeii last year I managed to poke my head (and body in some cases) into most all of he ovens. I can tell you that they were not perfectly built. They, however, did survive a volcanic eruption and are still standing 2000 years later. Most of ours will also last a good long time.

    I make pizza at least once a week, year round. It's still delightful every time. Even with the misaligned bricks in my dome. I'm sad now because for the moment we can't share it with friends. This too shall pass. Remember the goal is to make delicious food and share it with those you love. The basil is finally ready to harvest fresh from the garden-- celebrate!

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	424729 Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2291.jpeg
Views:	399
Size:	298.6 KB
ID:	424730
    My build thread:

  • #2
    Well said! I too almost make pizza once a week but sometimes once every two weeks. I love cooking for my family and friends. The pizza you make in these ovens is incredible and you cannot replicate it in a conventional oven. When I made the first pizza I was absolutely shocked on how delicious a homemade pizza like this could be.

    My Build Pictures


    • #3
      While impatiently waiting for parts and bummed over my first crack... posts like this make the waiting more bearable. Thank you.


      • #4
        I agree whole heartedly. You get all wrapped up in the process of building and forget about what you are building it for. No one and i mean NO ONE will notice the small details and imperfections that you see because you built it. I know when i build the next one i plan to just hammer it out and try not to obsess about the details. It will work just the same and take way less time.

        Also there is nothing like having a pizza out of one of thes ovens. You can try to replicate it but it is not the same.


        • #5
          Originally posted by RandyJ View Post
          I agree whole heartedly. You get all wrapped up in the process of building and forget about what you are building it for. No one and i mean NO ONE will notice the small details and imperfections that you see because you built it. I know when i build the next one i plan to just hammer it out and try not to obsess about the details. It will work just the same and take way less time.

          Also there is nothing like having a pizza out of one of thes ovens. You can try to replicate it but it is not the same.
          I promised myself that I would not obsess about the minor imperfections on this project, for the very reasons listed above. So far, I have done pretty well staying relaxed and not striving for perfection... at least from my perspective. If you ask her, I am still a bit obsessed with every detail.


          • #6
            Interesting points. I too have not gone for perfection and feel I’ve rushed certain bits of the build, but last night I made my first two pizza’s once I reached a good temperature. They were perfect in my eyes and worth all the hard work!

            I haven’t even rendered mine yet it was just the final drying out fire, but it worked and exceeded expectations! Just need to have a party when we can.

            lots of imperfections, but fundamentally it works!


            • #7
              I'm focusing my perfectionism on the pizzas themselves. Fortunately the less-than-perfect tend still to be delicious. I have not yet branched out from the basic Pizza Napoletana, though I should as I think I have pretty much nailed it.
              My build thread:

