Re: SC Chris's 42" WFO build
Hi Chris, I know you'll be happy with the 2" of Insulating Board. And your oven height will be just right too.
RE Soldier Course Tapering:
As you saw on my threads drawing this morning, I did NOT taper my soldiers wide side. On a 42" WFO it leaves a 9/16" gap at the outside that gets smaller across the 4.5" brick face until they touch. I think this is quite tolerable of a gap. I WAS a bit shocked though by how much of my $$$ Refmix went to fill those gaps. A smaller oven diameter would have increased the gap and I would recommend tapering. However I think this gap for a 42" is fine. And, if you did taper, that's about 40 bricks and a lot of cutting and flipping and cutting on your tile saw at a time that I'm sure you'd rather be placing your first oven ring and tackling the bigger question of "V" gaps and compound tapers!
After my 1st few ring courses that came out surprisingly tight with little mortar, I had wished I'd tapered the soldiers too, but after doing my arches, vent and the slooowwww race to the dome keystone/plug, I'm glad I didn't spend that time. BUT, that's just me. The pics of others tapered soldiers is beautiful and I envy them. So, good luck, hope this helps, -Dino
Hi Chris, I know you'll be happy with the 2" of Insulating Board. And your oven height will be just right too.
RE Soldier Course Tapering:
As you saw on my threads drawing this morning, I did NOT taper my soldiers wide side. On a 42" WFO it leaves a 9/16" gap at the outside that gets smaller across the 4.5" brick face until they touch. I think this is quite tolerable of a gap. I WAS a bit shocked though by how much of my $$$ Refmix went to fill those gaps. A smaller oven diameter would have increased the gap and I would recommend tapering. However I think this gap for a 42" is fine. And, if you did taper, that's about 40 bricks and a lot of cutting and flipping and cutting on your tile saw at a time that I'm sure you'd rather be placing your first oven ring and tackling the bigger question of "V" gaps and compound tapers!
After my 1st few ring courses that came out surprisingly tight with little mortar, I had wished I'd tapered the soldiers too, but after doing my arches, vent and the slooowwww race to the dome keystone/plug, I'm glad I didn't spend that time. BUT, that's just me. The pics of others tapered soldiers is beautiful and I envy them. So, good luck, hope this helps, -Dino