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Bacterium's 2nd build

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  • UtahBeehiver
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build


    This is what I did but I am sure there are lots of other ways to fasten your anchor plate.

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  • Bacterium
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    ok got my head around the voussoirs to attempt the outer per great advise from you guys.

    Made a cardboard cutout, did a dry run on the ground. This helped me work out the common cut angle to get the spacing. I used some old left-overs bricks as a trial run (they had too many dings & cracks for oven).

    It was pretty accurate except for one spot where I stuffed it up - 6th brick up on the right.

    Outer arch is separate from inner arch (white foam in picture shows the gap) to give me a thermal break - will probably use vermicrete to fill the gap.

    So now I'm up to the flue transition area. Will dry lay the last layers from here then take them out to cut the hole/chute to go up into the flue plate (stainless steel square plate with round riser hole for flue).

    How do people generally attach and seal the stainless steel plate to the brick work at the top of arch please?
    Last edited by Bacterium; 05-05-2013, 04:32 AM. Reason: spelling

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  • Bacterium
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    Have a look at the Online combustion heating catalogue for Air Diffusion agencies

    From my research for 8inch ID

    Single skin stainless probably around $100 - $250 depending on quality/height/cowl

    Double cased ( 3 walls) tends to be more around $500-$600 because of the added complication to get through a ceiling and roof space etc.
    Eg roof box, flues x 3, cowl, dektite, spigot plate and so on.

    Obviously a trade/wholesale buy will get the price down

    I found its usually cheaper to buy the kits and just add/remove extras

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  • Wayne73
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    Cool Damon, Im starting to think about the flew now myself.How the cost compare to a single flew?

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  • Bacterium
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    Ok brickie clear as mud.

    I had a week off went down naracoorte caves etc. .....also had some nice crayfish a mate caught....he lives near Robe and catches them for breakfast

    Back to with the oven - plan is to get the outer arch template setup and angle cut each brick this time. Wife managed to pick up my flue kit for me, so know I can work out exactly where it will come through my Alfresco roof/eave.

    Flue is triple skinned with an 8inch stainless inner. I got the triple so that its ok for going through roof. One of my work mates (gas fitter/plumber) tells me it should work well as the triple skin actually retains heat in the flue which assists draw - compared to a single.....

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  • brickie in oz
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    If you have a true or near true semi circle arch the forces are transferred to the base of the arch and buttressing is not required.

    Buttressing is only required for flatter arches where the forces push side ways.

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  • Bacterium
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    basically the sides of the inner arch of our ovens are buttressed (held in place) by the oven dome rings.......because it sits inside them.
    Refer to the blue arrows in my picture (this is just a pic of my inner arch)

    Whereas if my outer arch is freestanding what stops it spreading sideways? So I've been thinking its probably as simple as some poured concrete (and fixings down into my base slab) sideways of the arch base bricks. Refer to the red squares/rectangles in my picture. I'm not sure if I need to continue this above the bottom bricks (eg. as high as 2nd or 3rd arch bricks)

    Adding the concrete shouldn't be a problem for mine as the inner arch is sitting on 3in of CalSil. Whereas the outer arch will be in front off this and be sitting down on the concrete slab (and the outer base bricks are 50mm above this - so concrete will make up the difference) will also be thermally insulated from inner arch.

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  • oasiscdm
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    Hi Damon

    Not Long Now And Real Pizza.. Well Done.

    Am interested - re buttressing that is now you and Dave that has referred to this.

    Had not figured it into my Build. Should I?
    Last edited by oasiscdm; 04-21-2013, 03:58 PM.

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  • Bacterium
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    Had a few other things on my plate but yesterday I got the dome "closed up"....decided on a 3 piece plug. Just in time as the rain set in today
    ahhh pizza is one more step closer

    Like my "form" method? Basically I built the whole dome (except for last 3 pieces) without a form......lots of pauses between each brick tho.

    Went to see the helpful fellas at Air Diffusion and ordered my flue. Just need them to make up a spigot plate (name for the square plate for the base of flue) then I can work how I will transition from the arch to that......and some form of buttressing (for the arch)....

    tonight is a DeBortoli Merlot.......

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  • Bacterium
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    Thanks Boomer

    weather was great but other things competed for my time. Albeit some will be part of the WFO experience. Went to the ABC gardeners market and got some oregano, rosemary and mint (my lad insisted on that one). Which I planted within a couple meters of the WFO.

    So finally got to in on Sunday arvo and manged to finish the existing row and get another one in. Things were keeping even (round) but I stuffed it up a bit and got out of shape. The wife could hear me getting a bit frustrated and got up on the ladder for a look. She commented on the shape and quick thinking I said its like a love heart... just for you

    I'm still not using a form so that was also making me nervous.....wife calls out "wine-o"clock" (aka Aussies normal call it "beer o'clock) so that was it, I pulled stumps!!

    Photo here is a comparison of my 2 oven builds. Besides the "agricultural" look to my bricks (faces not lined up evenly) I've managed to reduce the mortar significantly. Current build is the yellow/cream bricks - the yellow in the middle of that photo is a container on top (to cover it from rain).

    I was going to correct the shape but stuff it that's whats going to be unique about my build.....

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    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    Hi Damon,

    As I did the last few courses it became increasingly more difficult to get the alignments right....did my head in getting the cut angles correct. In the end I knew that as they were all placed together well and mortared in that they weren't going anywhere and it was unlikely that anyone would want to crawl in to look up, -that it was more personal pride on doing the job to a standard that I wanted.
    By the time you get to the upper courses you just want to get it finished. They actually get finished very quickly.

    Good Luck. Great weather this weekend for oven building 29degrees and sunny



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  • Bacterium
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    Colin....yeehaaa its motoring. Basically I've got one last cut to fit into course #10. Then I estimate 3 more including key stone. It's not the prettiest as you'll notice a few of my front faces have "turned" ....thats what you get when you do it mostly by eye. . I found while I was still single side cutting ( on 2 angles) that I'm now starting to cut the other side as well to bring it back.....tricky buggers

    From here its outer arch and flue...... only prob is a few bills just came in, no more daylight savings which means build will slow due to time and $$$.....but hey I intend to fire it as soon as flue is connected up and out of my alfresco area.......couple weeks

    o yeah and no form so far..... this Hi Temp mortar rocks for holding on!!

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  • oasiscdm
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    Damon 3 rows to go, yummmmmmmmmmmmm not far away.

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  • cobblerdave
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    Gudday DamonClick image for larger version

Name:	image.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	1,013.4 KB
ID:	293724
    My first attempts at building my inner arch were to put it plainly 'a dogs breakfast' . I went for an oblong oven and outer entrance and it never looked right!, round dome, square entrance . Wasn't till later that I saw an entrance made of 50mm pavers. Wow the light bulb lite up the thinner brick meant the gapes on the outer edges were thinner due to the larger no of bricks instead of smaller no of bricks and larger gapes.
    It was a little more complex as I had to make it curve to allow for a set amount of pavers and get the curve as near as the curve of the dome in the background.
    Perhaps splitting your brick length ways would help on you outer arch

    Regards dave

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  • stonecutter
    Re: Bacterium's 2nd build

    Looks nice! I dropped my arch form yesterday but I only did the soldier and springer course.

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