Cobbler, yes my friend I thought about screens but Amazon has trays up to 20" so we god some of those, in various sizes. Very thin so the heat will pass through. Of course that means they likely won't last long so we'll have to continually experiment with sliding pizzas off the peels and onto the oven floor. The excellent carpenter, Fidel, has made a few peels out of epil epil, one of the world's densest woods. So they are heavy. I hope they lighten up by drying out or we'll have to do that project again with jemolina which is less dense and lighter. The ipil ipil takes varnish really well and could be decorations. Not my intent however good they might look, definitely a mistake. When we get closer to making pizzas once again I'll check your link, and thanks for it. Right now we're in a myriad of projects finishing up lots of stuff. I hope to get to pouring the floor of the fuel drier this week, but next is sure if not. So that's where we are amigo.

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