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Lancer's Philippine Build, Close to Australia Anyhoo...
Thanks for the update Cobbler, much appreciated! Change can be difficult to adjust to, but it will all seem normal to new folks coming in the door and needing help. Life goes on, yes? There's folks out there getting it into their heads that it sure would be great to build a pizza oven...and the internet is a big place, there will be help to be found somewhere. They've been building these ovens how long? People come and go, pizza ovens are forever amigo!
G'day Lancer
Lots has changed. James Barney sold Forno bravo and the new owners changed the forum. It didn't go so well, a few old members never returned. Others like Russell, came back from the dead.
Forums a bit slow at the moment but that's to be expected at this time of the year being winter in the northern hemisphere.
The Aussie section a bit slow as well but that will pick up too as it cools from summer.
I'm well not as active but I still enjoy a read and catching up.
Regards dave
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Hey UtahBeehiver, pleasure is all mine. Miss my amigos who helped me so much!
Got a pic here I want to share with you guys. It was taken by a customer who was swimming in the pool. Oven is on the right partially obscured by a sun shade. Enjoy!
Last edited by Lancer; 02-09-2016, 04:35 PM.
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Glad to see a post from you. Sounds like you have a lot of irons in the fire. Best of luck.
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Yup, kids getting older, doing well. In all these are good times. You doing okay Cobbler?
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Great to hear that all's well. Those kids must be grown heaps in that time.
As always regards
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Build is still on hold while we get the kids adoption done. Then its back to Oregon to get their citizenship and make some dough ($) to finish the pizza oven. Meanwhile we've opened our place as a NY burger restaurant and bar and so far so good. Profit margins here are slim so getting back to the US would help.
Meanwhile I've directed people here several times to either learn about or buy pizza ovens.
That's it amigos! All the news that's fit to print. Hope all is well w you guys.
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Re: Lancer's Philippine Build, Close to Australia Anyhoo...
No way!Its the first one we built here, more traditional. It does have a secondary lot with a 10 girl boarding house for college students from the nearby university...
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Re: Lancer's Philippine Build, Close to Australia Anyhoo...
G'day Lancer
Which house is for sale? Is it the one with the pool and the oven?
Regards dave
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Re: Lancer's Philippine Build, Close to Australia Anyhoo...
That's good info cobbler, thanks. Making briquettes out of coconut shells is a back up plan, and thanks for it, but the rice husks are free as the air! The oven is at a stand for lack of funds.
Our plan now is to relax and wait for the house to sell which it will eventually. Then I can finish the fuel drier after which we finish up our adoption for the kids and bring them to the US to become citizens. Once that's done we fly back, finish up whatever is left and start the business.
Now however life is good, long may it last. A time of rest from all these years of construction. I'm enjoying not twisting my brain around new problems and the stress thereof. Lot of the stuff we've done in the last years I've never done before.
So they have turned coconut husks into fuel briquettes and the result is better than coal. That's one to stick in the back of my mind in case its needed. Might have made the kiln work to make quicklime, but those days are gone.
Thanks for looking in this thread amigo, it has been too long.
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Re: Lancer's Philippine Build, Close to Australia Anyhoo...
Very true!
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Re: Lancer's Philippine Build, Close to Australia Anyhoo...
ouch.........glad only stitches and no missing digits!!!
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Re: Lancer's Philippine Build, Close to Australia Anyhoo...
Sho ran a hand held tile cutter across his foot last week. Was working up above the oven on cutting and setting bricks to level the top of the arch for the pizza keeper warmer when his accident happened. He went and got stitches and a tetanus shot. Now he's on sick leave and getting paid to heal. Hope to see his cheerful face around here sometime this week, I'll give him some videos on pizza making to watch or something light duty.
Oven can wait. Decided to build in a pitched roof shape out of bricks extending out on the front and on top of it extend a small peaked roof over the oven opening, keep that dry.Last edited by Lancer; 11-03-2014, 03:14 PM.
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Re: Lancer's Philippine Build, Close to Australia Anyhoo...
Only for sale in Europe that I can find Utah.
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