Hi there - I'm looking at building a WFO Food Truck setup in South Australia. Has anyone had any experience with mobile catering with a WFO? Im after a couple of basic answers. For Example:
? When you are done cooking, what do you do with the hot coals, is it safe enough to close the door and the fire extinguishes - do you need to transfer to a coal box or similar - what are the council regulations?
? Does the chimney need to to be filtered / particles extracted for when operated in the city or events?
I already have the oven sorted and the vehicle in mind. I guess I'm just going through the initial logistics.
? When you are done cooking, what do you do with the hot coals, is it safe enough to close the door and the fire extinguishes - do you need to transfer to a coal box or similar - what are the council regulations?
? Does the chimney need to to be filtered / particles extracted for when operated in the city or events?
I already have the oven sorted and the vehicle in mind. I guess I'm just going through the initial logistics.