As always, your work is true eye candy. I'm glad that you've gotten your health back and continue to share your ideas and workmanship with us on the forum. Just so you know, years ago in your fabulous thread of "good eats" you noted using finger limes. I started looking around and now have two of them at my home...just put them out on the front deck for the spring-fall. I actually got quite a few fruits last year and it's always fun to introduce people to a new treat. (I envy the folks who will have a seat in your upcoming cooking classes.)
Thanks again for really getting me hooked on the potential of having a WFO at hand. I mostly bake bread for my neighborhood and am really looking forward to how your new oven is going to perform. Certainly plenty of mass to bake lots of bread...I'm glad access to wood isn't a problem for you
Thanks again for really getting me hooked on the potential of having a WFO at hand. I mostly bake bread for my neighborhood and am really looking forward to how your new oven is going to perform. Certainly plenty of mass to bake lots of bread...I'm glad access to wood isn't a problem for you
