Today was a cooking day, so up early (for a Sunday), a quick winter's breakfast and into the bread preparation.
First was a single batch of multigrain bread to the formula on the packet. Not much specific weight formulas but volumes only. Anyhow, kept to the recommended, mixed in the Kenwood using the dough hook and using fresh yeast. After thouroughly mixing it, 2 to 3 minutes hand needing and put back into the lightly oiled mixing bowl. I put it on a side table directly in front of our slow combustion heater in what would be described as a very warm room (you know, shorts and T shirt temperature), with a dry tea towel over the top just 2 feet from the heater door.
Went back into the kitchen and made a bun mix, fruit and spices. Yum!
Did the same deal and sat it besides the multigrain for 4 hours. The dough didn't double in size but was not far from it.
I colloaped the dough and cut off approx 1/3 to be made into a smaller stick, (mainly for the late afternoon snack before the evening meal) and a normal loaf. Needed the dough for 3-4 minutes and put them into lightly oiled tins and put back into the same position for the second proofing.
I did the same for the bun mix, divided it onto 12 and rolled onto smallish balls and placed as recommended on a lightly oiled (rather than greased) tray. I put one up on top of our wall unit with a moist tea towell over it, as the room was considerably hotter above the top of the doorway, the others right in front of the combustion heater. My wife moved the higher placed ones as she said they weren't doing anything but she didn't give them a chance. After 2 hours they had increased in size but not as I would have liked. Had to put them into a 300?C oven (some coals still in there but no fire burning), the buns cooken in 10 minutes and the bread in 25 minutes. All quite tasty but quite heavy in texture.
It was then time to put the lamb roast in and when half done, in went the vegetables. Another wonderful meal for the family.
What are the better methods used by fellow forum members for proofing your doughs? I feel they need to raise more for a lighter texture rather than heavy.
First was a single batch of multigrain bread to the formula on the packet. Not much specific weight formulas but volumes only. Anyhow, kept to the recommended, mixed in the Kenwood using the dough hook and using fresh yeast. After thouroughly mixing it, 2 to 3 minutes hand needing and put back into the lightly oiled mixing bowl. I put it on a side table directly in front of our slow combustion heater in what would be described as a very warm room (you know, shorts and T shirt temperature), with a dry tea towel over the top just 2 feet from the heater door.
Went back into the kitchen and made a bun mix, fruit and spices. Yum!
Did the same deal and sat it besides the multigrain for 4 hours. The dough didn't double in size but was not far from it.
I colloaped the dough and cut off approx 1/3 to be made into a smaller stick, (mainly for the late afternoon snack before the evening meal) and a normal loaf. Needed the dough for 3-4 minutes and put them into lightly oiled tins and put back into the same position for the second proofing.
I did the same for the bun mix, divided it onto 12 and rolled onto smallish balls and placed as recommended on a lightly oiled (rather than greased) tray. I put one up on top of our wall unit with a moist tea towell over it, as the room was considerably hotter above the top of the doorway, the others right in front of the combustion heater. My wife moved the higher placed ones as she said they weren't doing anything but she didn't give them a chance. After 2 hours they had increased in size but not as I would have liked. Had to put them into a 300?C oven (some coals still in there but no fire burning), the buns cooken in 10 minutes and the bread in 25 minutes. All quite tasty but quite heavy in texture.
It was then time to put the lamb roast in and when half done, in went the vegetables. Another wonderful meal for the family.
What are the better methods used by fellow forum members for proofing your doughs? I feel they need to raise more for a lighter texture rather than heavy.