Re: My 42" Pompeii Oven build, Northeast Ohio
100 - 13th chain complete.
This is a good shot of just how much the bevel changes as each chain goes higher.
Notice the difference between chains 10, 11, 12, & 13.
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My 42" Pompeii Oven build, Northeast Ohio
Re: My 42" Pompeii Oven build, Northeast Ohio
098 - 13th chain complete.
At this point I'm done with the Indispensable Tool.
If there ever was a tool that makes someone look like they know what they're doing, this sure was it.
I wouldn't want to attempt to do this without an IT.
6/10/12Last edited by boylanta; 02-04-2013, 11:24 AM.
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Re: My 42" Pompeii Oven build, Northeast Ohio
091 - Braces inside to help hold last couple chains while mortar set.
I cut some braces to size out of scrap wood to help hold the last few chains as the dome closed in.
6/9/12Last edited by boylanta; 02-04-2013, 11:23 AM.
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Re: My 42" Pompeii Oven build, Northeast Ohio
081 - 10th chain.
The steep angles required some additional weight to hold the bricks in place until the mortar set.
I took some scrap 2x4's and ran a 3" screw into one end to use to temporarily hold each brick.
6/8/12Last edited by boylanta; 02-04-2013, 11:23 AM.
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Re: My 42" Pompeii Oven build, Northeast Ohio
080 - 9th chain.
The angles started to get pretty steep.
This required some additional weight to hold the bricks in place until the mortar set.
I took some scrap 2x4's and ran a 3" screw into one end to use to temporarily hold each brick.
Here you can see the wood shims that are used to hold the brick in the proper position, determined by the IT, until the mortar sets.
6/8/12Last edited by boylanta; 02-12-2013, 07:21 PM.
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Re: My 42" Pompeii Oven build, Northeast Ohio
076 - 8th chain mortared in place.
This is a good shot of the outer mortar joints compared to the almost mortar-less inner joints.
This is due to calculating the angle & bevel of each brick.
6/3/12Last edited by boylanta; 02-04-2013, 11:22 AM.
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