Copper reacts with chlorine i would bend pipe around the outside of flu pipe, maybe next year.
The cold weather scuppered our efforts to finish the dome yesterday, but today the job is done. It looks much better in the photo than it is in reality, but I'm happy enough with it.
We have a friend visiting for a few days so I'm taking a week off the build. Will then hope to build the vent and get insulation on in time to cure before new year...
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Not a a bad idea at all. If you have one of those quartz halogen, use it - they put out a lot of heat. Or a space heater.
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Nothing wrong with that brickwork boss I'm playing with templates for my granite before I decide on the length of my entrance.Ash tray idea still work in progress I hav built up brickwork to correct height not going to curve granite just over hang 6" and run it to my sink area on right.Heat lamp good idea will all help drive out moisture.We will hopefully both be cooking buy new year.
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Probably fairly deep. 10mm break, between 100 and 110 arch, 200 for the 8" flue, and another 100-110 on the front arch. That's before thinking about anything decorative. Probably not notching the bricks over the inner arch. So 16-17".
How deep was yours in the end?
Are you cutting and polishing the granite yourself?
Not sure going to either leave it at13 or extend to 17" including Dec.old stock arch.At 13 flu will end up very near front edge I don't want blackening if I can avoid it ,so my add 3" of firebrick to what I have done already then add old stock arch .Granite is called antique brown it's 2nd hand off cuts got to cut and polish myself too expensive will have to offer up several times to make it fit can't be too sure how it will turn out I've never done this before only my second attempt at brickwork, the old stocks quite random in sizes so they are quite forgiving.I may still remove a brick under the granite for ash drawer thinking of high temp silicone to bed granite on a old sheet of 5mm stainless steel to act as a kind of lintel not going to insulate under entrance as I've put a thermal break in, had a couple of ideas for a glass door for keeping a eye on roasts and puddings and a super insulated stainless door for baking.I also think that if I put a slight fall on the surrounding granite I can have a small neat gutter with a grill on it to channel any rain away from the dome.Keep up the good work you have definitely earned those beers.
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Not a lot of time for the oven this weekOn the plus side, we had a skinny visitor who I abused by sending inside the dome to give it a bit of a clean
That's the last time he'll ask whether there's anything he could help with
The insulation arrived and the dome is drying out a fair bit just from the heat lamp - can see a clear difference now between dry and wet patches on the outside of the dome. I wonder how much moisture will be left once the obvious wet stuff has gone...
I've cut the arch forms for the vent and set the first row of bricks on the base on each side. I'm planning on the first three (flat) courses being a full brick wide (looking from the front) - hopefully that will make a good foundation. I've allowed space for a 10mm thermal break and have some stainless U channel to finish that at floor level.
If all goes well, I should get the vent done next week
Looks tidy and well thought out.Looking like you are prepared for the next stage.My brickwork under the landing came out better than I expected decided not to remove centre brick and replace with ash drawer Ive concreted around dome ready for granite .Like you I've templates and cut form and bricks ready for next stage.Unlike you though I have finish granite going to key the surface under the arch I'm going with a 20 mm stainless break because that's the thickness of my insulation board and be easier for me to create u channel.Maybe we will be done by xmas??
The arch looks good! Your sawing skills will come in handy when you cut the bricks to enclose the vent on the front and rear. I curved bricks to sit over the arch like in the picture below. Have you worked out what your are going to do?My build thread