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New 40" build in Greenville, SC

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Kvanbael View Post
    Here is something that took me a while to realize: About IT and pencil:

    no matter at what weird angle you fix a pencil to your IT, ... as long as it is fixed, it will make circles with the pivot as center. So while tracing the inner dome cut lines on dry-stacked arch bricks, I would just hand-hold a pencil to my it, and regularly change position for easier drawing. I just had to check inner dome radius based on some reference points.
    This is exactly where I landed. I took some photos to illustrate the process I'll post in it's own thread in the future.


    • #17
      OK. New problem. Again, I'm an idiot. I tried to squeeze the final arch block in with my dead blow hammer and this happened. It pushed the arch support bricks out which looks like it bent my arch out. My ego will recover. My entire dome/oven will be enclosed in a "doghouse", so my question is how do I reinforce the arch supports so it holds with no issue? Or do I need to start from scratch here?

      Click image for larger version

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      Attached Files


      • #18
        Are there any cracks in the mortar or do the sides only lean out?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Petter View Post
          Are there any cracks in the mortar or do the sides only lean out?
          Only where the outer arch joins the inner arch. Any ideas for buttressing the outer arch? Is it necessary? The only additional load on the outer arch will be my duravent vent stack that will be about 12 feet above the top of the fireplace and the masonry required to make a flat surface for the vent stack anchor plate.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	20210514_204715.jpg
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ID:	438080


          • #20
            (Sorry for you) I would: If it is still fresh, clean the bricks and re-do the arc and sides. Skip mortaring it to the dome. Leave 5-10 mm expansion gap for the dome and gallery to move independently if eachother.

            ​​​​​​Even if it might work anyway, it is worth it for the good night sleep.
            Last edited by Petter; 05-15-2021, 12:50 PM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Petter View Post
              (Sorry for you) I would: If it is still fresh, clean the bricks and re-do the arc and sides. Skip mortaring it to the dome. Leave 5-10 mm expansion gap for the dome and gallery to move independently if eachother.

              ​​​​​​Even if it might work anyway, it is worth it for the good night sleep.
              If I leave a gap there, then does that allow smoke to enter the doghouse portion or will 100% of the smoke go through the vent built into the outer arch?


              • #22
                It is common to use ceramic rope for sealing due to that reason.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Petter View Post
                  It is common to use ceramic rope for sealing due to that reason.
                  Thank you. I'll buy some. Can you find that at Lowes/Home Depot? Or do I need to get it online?


                  • #24
                    Welcome, Since the sides started to lean outwards, there is a great risk that the bottom mortar joint has failed. So it's better to re-do it. Sorry, I live in Sweden and have no idéa if they are sold there. It may be called glass fiber rope. It is used to seal stove doors for example. try to get some 3/8-1/2" thick.


                    • #25
                      It looks like this:

                      Last edited by UtahBeehiver; 05-17-2021, 05:01 AM. Reason: Removed direct commercial link


                      • #26
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	_20210517_211308.JPG
Views:	274
Size:	43.5 KB
ID:	438179 Ahh, sorry. I forgot.

