I was blown away at the amount of ovens here in Michigan! Here is mine that my cousin and I completed in a few weeks last month. We had no idea how we were going to go about the build, flew by the seat of our pants. He is a mason by trade, so that was the good part.
We began by digging the footings. The center is for the actuall oven, the right side for the charcoal grill, left side for the fireplace. Also, the form for the hot tub is in the left of the pic:

Messing around, preliminary block laying:

The block done, and the beginning of the charcoal grill:

First color of brick down. I liked the look of utility brick vs. standard. Also, the base for the refractory poured:
We began by digging the footings. The center is for the actuall oven, the right side for the charcoal grill, left side for the fireplace. Also, the form for the hot tub is in the left of the pic:

Messing around, preliminary block laying:

The block done, and the beginning of the charcoal grill:

First color of brick down. I liked the look of utility brick vs. standard. Also, the base for the refractory poured:
