I was originally going to make a straight entrance, with angle iron across the top. I've been convinced by my brothers in ovens to not do this, and make an arch, as it seems the heating/cooling can degrade the iron over the years.
So...a this point, the bricks on the side of my opening are straight, up to a height of 9.5" (I started with a course of splits). I think (without checking the plans) that the ovening is supposed to be 12.5". So I'll have to take out a brick or two to create an arch that doesn't go over 12.5".
The question is: how high up can I start the curve of the arch? It seems some people start the curve on the second brick, some lay a couple down flat, then start the arch. I'd prefer to take out as few as possible.
So...a this point, the bricks on the side of my opening are straight, up to a height of 9.5" (I started with a course of splits). I think (without checking the plans) that the ovening is supposed to be 12.5". So I'll have to take out a brick or two to create an arch that doesn't go over 12.5".
The question is: how high up can I start the curve of the arch? It seems some people start the curve on the second brick, some lay a couple down flat, then start the arch. I'd prefer to take out as few as possible.