half brick igloo
hi all i am hoping to get some feeback here please i am hopping to enclose my 42 2 dome after insulating layer and vermiculite render with half brick to show off the dome feature like the jamie oliver one he has at his home my problem is would the brick be ok mortared on to the 3" vermiculite render or set off from the dome and loose filled any comment welcome
link to my effort http://www.fornobravo.com/forum/f8/7...art-20707.html
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Re: half brick igloo
It is difficult to build the outer shell without something to lean the bricks against so the usual way is to make the vermicrete as lean as you can because more cement means poorer insulation. As the surface is not strong with weak vermicrete there is no point mortaring your bricks to it. If you could devise a way of easily building the outer shell free standing, then fill the space with loose vermiculite or perlite you would have the advantage of not having to dry that outer layer.Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.
Re: half brick igloo
I have bricked my dome. Over 1 to 2 ins of cement render and wire. Its quarter bricks mortared together so its really a dome itself and strong because of that.
Gulfs dome is covered with brick purpose cut into tile thickness so would weight a lot less but would have no real strength as it would be to thin to gain strength from the dome shape.
Davids is right in being cautious about the strength of just a v-Crete layer whichever way you go I'd add a layer of render for sure.
Yes I've always admired Jamie Oliver's oven shame he copied mine.
Regards daveMeasure twice
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Re: half brick igloo
Someone, please point me in the direction of the "Jamie Oliver". I do agree with render over the vcrete. But, I strongly recomend an insulated/expansion joint between the fire brick of the dome and the vcrete. If, it is only one inch of ceramic fiber blanket (CFB), do include it. If the CFB, (or similar fluff insulation), is not included as an expansion joint, the render will crack. And what ever finish you place over the render will crack also. One other thing, don't forget the vent at the apex of the dome.
Just Sayin'Last edited by Gulf; 05-12-2014, 07:51 PM.Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build
Re: half brick igloo
Will be having a fb blanket around 3 inch which like you say will act as an expansion joint was also going give the dome 3 inch of vcrete and then brick outer was hoping to lay these on the vcrete to make life easy but after your comments I think I might have to build an inch or so off the vcrete and just fill void with loose vermiculitelink to my effort http://www.fornobravo.com/forum/f8/7...art-20707.html
"95% reading this forum 5% building"
Re: half brick igloo
Gulf here is the Jamie oliver https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ja...ml%3B720%3B630link to my effort http://www.fornobravo.com/forum/f8/7...art-20707.html
"95% reading this forum 5% building"
Re: half brick igloo
I will not be using the "squirrel style" vent though mine will come through entry arch as normallink to my effort http://www.fornobravo.com/forum/f8/7...art-20707.html
"95% reading this forum 5% building"
Re: half brick igloo
Some things are somewhat sacred and are better without celebrity. The ovens have been around for eons and the celebs come and go. Not everything is about the $$ and the B$Cheers ......... Steve
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Re: half brick igloo
I bricked over a render layer because it was there! Which was great it gave me a guide. Can't use an IT as a guide. You have got to have something to build to.
I used a ply guide to build the dome, plenty of folk use insulated foam vanes and they will hold the dome up till completion. Can't see why a layer of pearlite cement wouldn't do the same.
The loose fill sounds alright but how do you plan to do it.?
Regards daveMeasure twice
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Re: half brick igloo
Steve I'm just using his oven as example but he is a hero to me anyway got me cooking and done so much for kids dinners and general eating habbits of England than anyone to date he also has good taste in wfo's !!
Dave I was worried about bricking the outside up on the tender incase of movement which is why I was looking at a separate fill if I did I would proberly build as high as gravity would let me then use short holding stakes of the dome and just take time but I'm in no rushlink to my effort http://www.fornobravo.com/forum/f8/7...art-20707.html
"95% reading this forum 5% building"
Re: half brick igloo
Originally posted by leetheldc View PostGulf here is the Jamie oliver https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ja...ml%3B720%3B630Last edited by stonecutter; 05-13-2014, 04:05 AM.Old World Stone & Garden
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John Ruskin
Re: half brick igloo
Yes I did notice that it does spoil it why it's that high I have no idea il keep mine lower but yes a lovely oven for a templatelink to my effort http://www.fornobravo.com/forum/f8/7...art-20707.html
"95% reading this forum 5% building"
Re: half brick igloo
I don't have the smoke stains , luck or good management aside. I have a chimney opening witch is as wide as opening of my oven 18 inchs. That opens up to 20 inchs. A short stack means in the wrong conditions the wind might give you a face full but still no smoke stains on the front.
Regards daveMeasure twice
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Fit in position with largest hammer
My Build
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Re: half brick igloo
gulf what do mean about the vent on the dome apex please?link to my effort http://www.fornobravo.com/forum/f8/7...art-20707.html
"95% reading this forum 5% building"
Re: half brick igloo
Originally posted by leetheldc View Postgulf what do mean about the vent on the dome apex please?
I hope this helps. "Venting" is not a widely accepted practice. But, I would not build an igloo, without one
Several of the ovens in the Jamie Oliver's link do look great! I am just not sure which one you are referring to. If I weren't working 14 hour days, I am sure I could figure it out
Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build