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West jordan Ut new build.

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  • #46
    When / how do you know when the oven is dry completely? When is it then safe to fire it for pizza?
    I cant see steam coming off of it because it is enclosed in a walled structure filled with loose perlite.


    • #47
      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1344.jpg
Views:	378
Size:	152.6 KB
ID:	397696 If you've had plenty of extended fire in it and all the carbon has burnt off the entire dome on the inside then you're done. If you are concerned that there is still moisture in the perlite, try throwing some sheet plastic oven the oven during firing to see if moisture condenses on the underside. You can also get a cheap garden moisture meter and use it to tell you if the insulation layer is dry.
      Last edited by david s; 05-07-2017, 05:16 PM.
      Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.


      • #48
        I guess the only way for me to know if the oven is dry is when the carbon burns off. Since my oven is under a walled structure with a roof on it. I have no way to see it on the outside.


        • #49
          While I wait for my oven to cool off and let the moisture migrate to the dry bricks for a few days, Im going to work on my oven door.


          • #50
            I got some help welding it together. Took us three hours. It is 5.5 inches thick and used hot rolled steel, 14 gauge from metal supermarket. Roxul insulated. And yes I know it has metal handles. Thats what oven gloves are for.


            • #51
              Started back up some fire after letting it sit for three days. I went slowly up to 500 over a couple hours and then maintained that heat for four more hours. Today a couple days after that, i went up to 500 again slowly and then added my insulated door to maintain the heat.

              Grinding and painting door
              Last edited by Roland Deschain; 05-12-2017, 02:07 PM.


              • #52
                Its taken longer to get pizza peels than it took me to build my oven. I ordered from a site claiming to have the bestpizzasupplies with a .com after it. Then they never delivered. Call bank, claim the fraud, and move on.

                Then i come down with pneumonia and still cant get out there to make a pizza, ugggg!!!!!


                • #53
                  Hey Ron,

                  I have a brand new in the package GL Metal peel from Italy. PM me if you are interested, I can let it go for less than half of what it sells for on Amazon.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	20170604_162841 (1).jpg
Views:	277
Size:	1.28 MB
ID:	398427
                  Google Photo Album []


                  • #54
                    I ordered one before seeing your post. Dang!


                    • #55
                      Russell, let me know if still available plz.

                      My 36" -


                      • #56
                        Well, last night I hosted / had a party with 60 people or 30 couples. I made 36, 8.5 oz balls with costco bread flour, 24 hours in advance. I also made four, 9 oz balls made with caputo pizza flour.

                        I had everyone make there own pizzas. One per couple. (We had a lot of side dishes too.) Margherita was how i instructed them. I got all sort of sizes, shapes, disasters, blow outs, etc. So, overall a success. I did find out simply, that the balls made with the caputo flour streached easily, cooked magnificently, tasted superb, and overall kicked butt over the costco bread flour, hands down! But for what I was doing, the bread flour was a succes, and no one but me, knew any differently. Everone said the pizzas were the best! We had six balls left over.

                        One thing I need is a brass brush to ease clean up between messes. Lesson learned.

                        My oven kept floor temp above 650 for two hours while we used it. It stayed consistant between 650 and 750. I pre fired the oven at noon and then fired it again one hour before the first pizza. At 7 ish.

                        I used Peter Reinhart's recipes for the dough and the sauce that are on the site.

