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DANTE - 36" (92cm) Pompei oven - Luxembourg / Italy

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  • DANTE - 36" (92cm) Pompei oven - Luxembourg / Italy

    Dear Community,
    it is a great honour and pleasure to announce you that today a big not turning point in my garden landscape has been taken and a new member of our family is coming.
    His name is Dante, it will be 36inches large and 500kg in weight and, like everybody in this forum, he loves pizza and DIY.

    The decision of the name / DANTE / comes from one of the greatest poet ever and his masterpiece "La Divina Commedia", the INFERNO in particular.
    A story of fire and hellish circles, full of gluttons and envious, ferried in this burning world by a pizza peel.

    I ask to all the Users & Masters here the holy blessing to start this prìoject and their patience to advise me anything in case "I loose the right way "


    "... Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
    mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,
    ché la diritta via era smarrita.3

    Ahi quanto a dir qual era è cosa dura
    esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte
    che nel pensier rinova la paura!6

    Tant’è amara che poco è più morte;
    ma per trattar del ben ch’i’ vi trovai,
    dirò de l’altre cose ch’i’ v’ ho scorte.

    Io non so ben ridir com’i’ v’intrai,
    tant’era pien di sonno a quel punto
    che la verace via abbandonai...."

    Professional studies
    Professional studies before starting :)

  • #2
    Arriva Dante! Auguri!
    In bocca al lupo. Aspettiamo le foto.
    - George

    My Build


    • #3
      Since I'm waiting for the CaSil boards to be delivered, I post some pictures of the construction phase
      Attached Files
      Last edited by MarkDLxu; 07-24-2020, 03:21 AM.


      • #4
        I wanted to make a slightly different oven base, with a side part to use as a "table" or a place for a barbecue.


        • #5
          Finally the starting point of today ...
          Waiting for the CaSil Boards to come


          • #6
            Good luck Marco! My oven design has been inspired by the landscape and pizza around Florence! It has been a journey, and I have completed the dome and arches as of this week! I am firing hand-carved brick for the chimney and will begin that construction soon. I still need inspiration for the outside covering material for my dome, so I am open to suggestions!

            ARTISTADIMATTONE Google Photo Album-


            • #7
              Thanks artista!
              today, waiting for the calcium silicate boards, I did some dry stacking
              I’m in a way happy that they’re easy to cut with the chisel and the grinder , but in a way I’m worried that they are too soft Click image for larger version

Name:	2096AA25-0D70-4524-9BBC-0AACE184E38C.jpeg
Views:	643
Size:	285.9 KB
ID:	426581


              • #8
                It looks good! I couldn't get my bricks to get much tighter than that. They opened up a bit doing the dome, so I hope the gaps won't be a problem. I don't know if it is wise to fill in the gaps with the silica/fireclay or mortar or just leave them alone. I could use some wisdom on that too!
                Are your bricks refractory/fire brick or insulating brick? The low to medium-duty refractory bricks are pretty easy to cut with an angle grinder or wet saw, but insulating bricks are super easy and can be cut with a hand saw.
                ARTISTADIMATTONE Google Photo Album-


                • #9
                  As you move up in courses and the dome diameter decreases, unless you bevel the bricks you will start to see what we call an "inverted v" mortar joint. This can be reduced by beveling the top inner corners of the bricks either with a grinder or wet saw. You only need to remove the conflicting material, typically a inch or so back from the top inner corners of the bricks. JR Pizza did this, I did full taper and bevels but that takes time.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	anglebevel.jpg
Views:	972
Size:	37.2 KB
ID:	426588
                  Google Photo Album []


                  • #10
                    UtahBeehiver Thank you! I’ve just hand cut in half around 60 bricks to do the first 3 courses and then I’ll taper the next ones, and close to the end I’ll cut the bricks in 3. ( thanks Kvanbael).

                    Just one reminder : concrete hearth, CaSil boards 5cm and refractory floor... do I need to put something in between the layers ?


                    • #11
                      Weep holes in hearth is recommended, raising CaSi off hearth with scrap ceramic tiles is being used a lot lately, 50/50 sand/clay between CaSi and firebrick floor for leveling if need (not more the 1/4-1/2" typically needed).
                      Google Photo Album []


                      • #12
                        Yesterday the calcium silicate boards arrived and today I today I put them on the hearth, covered with aluminum foil and on top some tiles. After that, I pour the perlite/concrete layer, about 4 cm


                        • #13
                          The aluminum foil layer seems to have been resurfacing again recently on several builds. I guess the school of thought is some sort of water resistant layer. It goes both ways, Water that gets in also gets trapped limiting egress out. IMHO, I do not think aluminum foil provides any value to the build.
                          Google Photo Album []


                          • #14
                            I didn't add any weep holes to my hearth. I did a 3 inch layer of reinforced concrete with 4 inches of insulating perlite-concrete on top. I have my dome and chimney about done and the dome insulation. Would it be wise to drill some weep holes into the side of my hearth insulating layer before finishing off with face brick? I didn't use the calcium silicate boards, so I don't need to worry about those getting water logged.
                            ARTISTADIMATTONE Google Photo Album-


                            • #15
                              I honestly don’t know because vermicrete is not absorbing water as the calcium silicate boards, if the concrete hearth is flat and leveled you don’t have to worry about any water stagnation under the oven. But you can find many solutions on this forum

