Hey Everyone, just recently start piecing together my oven and I already thing Ive made a mistake. I went through and mortared in place the lower level bricks around the herringbone (just mortared the sides) and then I went and add the first layer of bricks on top of these.. However I mortared the sides AND the bottom. I quickly noticed when I look at similar build that no one has mortared the bottom of the first row. I feel like an idiot.
Can anyone explain if this is a major issue? Do I need to rip everything out and start over? If it okay to stay in place? I have a picture below for reference (showing that mortared bottom of base layer and first row). Thank you
Can anyone explain if this is a major issue? Do I need to rip everything out and start over? If it okay to stay in place? I have a picture below for reference (showing that mortared bottom of base layer and first row). Thank you