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32 inch Pompeii Build

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  • #16
    No NO GulF ! You didn't confuse me!!! I didn't even know a breather was a thing. please disregard previous questions. totally understand now. the vent Will be visible on top of the dome after placed., but the protection and preventative maintenance will be most worth it.

    I was unaware that this a common practice in oven building, but i am just a young lad trying to figure all this out.



    the vent suggestion ( after i wrapped my head around it and and researched it, is an excellent addition, especially since i do not want any more strain than necessary due to the small cracks that already happened. I think the vent will paly a huge role in keeping my dome safer.
    This is what i purchased.

    I plan on using my variable speed drill. Not a hammer. I learned hat when i was adding the thermometer and was trying to drill into a bring before hand... well that didnt work without breaking the stones. so i packed refractory mortar and fire clay in a small square space that i left in-between 2 fire bricks in the chain.
    I installed a thermowell so the pressure doesn't fog up the thermo.

    I cant thank you enough for setting me on this track and giving me the info you have .

    AWESOME! I hope my oven is functional and my only real concern was the small cracks, from premature curing, causing damage over time, but this vent seems to be a great help in this situation.

    any other tips you may have are most welcome.

    A Link to my Pompeii Build - " Mountain Mamma" "


    • #17
      That could work. I am assuming that you have test fitted all of this. Pipe threads and bolt threads aren't always compatible. Assuming that they are, here goes:

      You will want the bushing or receiver to be firmly embedded in the stucco so that it will not turn if the vent cover seizes a little. You may want to see if you can sandwich a piece of mesh between the brass fitting and the nut. It may take some JB weld to secure it. That will allow you to embed it securely into the next layers of stucco. Below is a pic of what I have done with a threaded pvc reducer and an electrical conduit jam nut. I think that the last one I put together for demonstration purposes had the mesh jammed between 2 conduit jam nuts. I can't find that pic right now. But, I think that you get the idea.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	fetch?photoid=438760.jpg
Views:	257
Size:	212.5 KB
ID:	442735
      Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


      • #18
        I found this 3/4" to 1/2" brass fitting while cleaning up my shop this morning. They can be found in just about any hardware store. One like It and a couple of 3/4" electrical jam nuts would probably be a little easier to fab than the fitting that you have IMO.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Bushing.jpg
Views:	246
Size:	594.6 KB
ID:	442749

        Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


        • #19
          It worked well
          I had to double the chicken wire up and it locked in well with the nut. I was careful when drilling( with regular drill and a mason bit) to not puncture or damage the insulation.
          I t went it pretty snugly with a few taps.
          I left some room for the scratch coat and finish coat. I may have to make the brown coat a slight bit thinner at very top, around the nut. so that i can put the finish stucco layer on.
          I was unaware that the first shell was over and inch thick. I thought i was trying to keep it pretty thin ( about 3/4" thick ) but i guess i laid it on a bit thicker than I planned for first round.
          This wont hurt anything I believe?
          I also attached the front brick work for the hearth.
          I am going to lay a 1 inch thick piece of soap stone over with refractory mortar. then brick another arch over the rough cut firebrick.

          Thank you so much for the Breather suggestion. I can see it helping a ton with curing and not causing further damage to the oven.

          after the hearth and arch and vent and 2 more stucco layers.. she will be ready to fire up! Im so excited and hope it all works out well enough for my first oven build.

          Thank you again for the info and suggestion and helping as you have !
          Attached Files
          A Link to my Pompeii Build - " Mountain Mamma" "


          • #20
            Making headway! Good progress, keep it up.

            My Build:

