Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
You couldn't ask for much better than that Mike. And the fact that it is a stainless steel door it will last a lifetime.
Well done!
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John's 42inch Aussie WFO
Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
Hi John
The door is made from 2 skins of stainless steel and 1" thick insulation board in between - seems to hold heat quite well - drops approx 3 degrees C per hr
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Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
Thank you Mike. Yes both my wife and I loved the build as did all of my friends. Unfortunately I am far from finishing as I still have a tiled pitched roof to come and a nice stone landing area. I just had a look at your pics and was impressed with the quality of your build. Your dome and tile colours look great. Do you get much heat loss from your door as it does not look insulated.
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Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
Well done John ... I bet you and your wife are happy the build is finished
Well constructed & well thought out.
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Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
The vermicucrete worked great. I will use it again on my next and hopefully better (prettier) door.
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Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
Thanks Scott. Sorry didn't reply earlier however i don't get online that often. Your absolutely right about the rope. I just haven't been able to source it locally however I have found some on eBay that I might buy. How did you go with the door? Did the vermicucrete do the trick?
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Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
Beautiful door. I have been working on a similar design using vermicucrete in the "sandwich" and an oven/smoker "rope" gasket around the inside of the wood. Should improve the seal even more and protects the wood. You can get the gaskets at a home depot type of store.
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Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
For those that are considering what type of door to Build/Buy I knocked 1 up for under AUD $20 that has lasted over 10 firings with no signs of heat damage.
Using left over floor board material I joined 5 boards and cut the door shape out.
Using thin gauge steel I fabricated 2 halves to fit in the ovens inner arch and filled the 50 mill cavity between the steel with Insulation bricks cut in half. this section provides the insulation required to stop heat leakage.
Both sections joined together using pop rivets.
Finished off with some powder coated steel handles and a thermometer I couldn't have asked for better
Added the last photo of the internal dome as I am excited that as yet no cracks!!Last edited by John K; 01-11-2011, 05:33 AM.
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Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
That's good to hear Bruno. 42 inch seems to be the norm and am sure it will compliment the pool area perfectly!!
I didn't have any masonry experience either but you get the hang of it as you go.
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Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
HI John,
I'm pretty sure i'll be building the 42" Pompeii oven although at this stage it's all just a picture in my head (but it looks great there !). Ive Just finished building a pool and would like to make use of the area next to it for an outdoor kitchen area with the WFO as the icing on the cake. Just getting over Christmas and New Year celebrations with the kids on school holidays so i don't think I'll get much time to do much in the next few weeks. Just in the early stages at the moment (taking measurements etc and figuring out a plan of attack). Like i said, I hope that what i imagine it will look like in my head will be even a fraction close to what it will be like in reality. Like a lot of people here, i have very little brickie experience but cant wait to get started all the same.
I've started a thread but just an introduction at the moment. I havent posted anything yet. Thanks for the offer of help as i'm sure i'll need alot of it.
Kind Regards,
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Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
Thankyou Bruno and a great and prosperous 2011 to you and your family as well.
The guys and Field Furnace are great! They have a package deal that will supply you with the required material to complete your oven.
Due to cost constraints I bought bits and pieces as I went. Ask them for a cd of other projects that they have as you may be able to utilise some of those ideas in your build.
In terms of materials, well I receive 1st class products and whilst there they answered questions that I had so overall great experience.
Have you decided on size/type of oven yet and if so have you started a build thread yet?
Look forward to seeing your build and happy to help with any questions you might have
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Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
HI John,
Happy New Year to you and your family and congratulations on a great oven/spit project. Looks 1st class to me.
I am about to start my oven project in the next few weeks, and being a Sydney local, I was looking at buying my supplies from Field Furnace (very handy for me as they are only 5 mins away). Just wanted your experience with them in terms of both the quality of products they supply & customer support etc.
Kind Regards,
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Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
Thanks Michael,
I had a feeling you split it down again which is something I did not do which probably added to the smoke. Your fire wood stack look great. ,mine is more of a cone setup. will definetly split next time
brickie in oz,
so its the match that smokes the most. Didn't pick that one though. lol
for those that are interested prepared and cooked 9 pizza's yesterday for new years eve party at my place followed up today with a nice lamb spitt for my sons birthday.
Used the left over oven heat from yesterday (200 deg at 10am this morning) and roasted about 10-15 potatoes today. Tasted great!!
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Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
You will find that its the match that smokes the most, if you dont chuck the match into the fire on lighting you will get no smoke at all..
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Re: John's 42inch Aussie WFO
Hi mate
I split what he gives me in half again to the size of my forearm.
However you get the fire started, I split it in half again to the width of cricket stumps, and give the fire lots of space. it will smoke a little when starting but after 10 mins it should stop completely.
You will find that what he gives you (yellow box and ironbark) burns for much longer than oregon. I would use the split oregon as kindling as it really catches quickly, but doesn't burn for long.
If I have managed to get my firewood wet, then it does smoke a lot.
I have attached a photo of my fire starting for you so you can see. (in this photo I have oregon as kindling amongst the split hardwood)
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