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Complete oven

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  • Complete oven

    I've bought what the Brick shop says is a complete oven. it's been sitting around for a while, so I got it pretty cheap. I was thinking of laying the bricks out dry to see what I've got. there's 122 larger bricks, 30 smaller and 30 floor bricks. Anyone got any idea what I've got? this a complete oven? or close?

  • #2
    Hard to tell but you don't see curved fire bricks very often. It also depends on oven size, In the Forno Bravo pompeli plans for a 36" the material list shows 120 fire full bricks and 60 floor with an additional 30 for the vent and arch. But you have a great start. You can always buy additional bricks. They don't need to be exactly the same curved shape, especially for the upper courses.
    Google Photo Album []


    • #3
      You haven't said if the oven is a barrel vault or dome, the bricks are curved and cut on one end, there does not appear to be any straight bricks for ends so my guess is a dome. If this is the case there should be several different cuts to accomodate the reducing diameters. Do you have a plan from the supplier?


      • #4
        No plan from supplier, which is why I'm looking for help. The reducing size would make sense, but I only the got 2 sizes. He said it is a dome, but that's all the info I got. I thought the curved bricks would be good, is that the correct assumption?


        • #5
          What diameter do you get if you lay the curved bricks in a circle?

          (I know nothing but the first thing I thought when seeing your photo is that they are for a barrel vault oven)



          • #6
            yeah...36inch diameter. It's possible they're for a barrel, but they're all curved.


            • #7
              I've decided to go with a corner build.


              • #8
                I've decided I'm trying to work out my final dimensions for the base/foundation. At the moment I've got 1560mm(sorry,going metric) 966 mm internal (38 inches). so the outside of the bricks will be 1184, which will leave me with about 300 mm(11inches) for insulation and final render. Is this enough? Also I have access to 75mm rock wool, it's an industrial insulation used to lag pipes, would this be adequate to use for dome insulation?


                • #9
                  Mr Baggins, where Are U locating your WFO?

                  I've done a lot of research lately on products available in Oz... I would just go 1000mm, 50mm calsil blanket, 100mm vermicrete and a 25mm render.

                  Check my build thread... I've just gone through the process you are now...


                  My Build:

                  Photo Album:


                  • #10
                    What are the specs on the 75mm Rockwool, there are a variety of types, some might work, others will not. IE Enerwrap is good to 1200F with a thermal rating of 0.098 at 700 F with a nominal density of 8lbs sq ft. This is abt the same range as a CaSi blanket. So it depends on what Rockwool product you have access to. A 1 meter oven has been quite popular lately, nice round number to work with.
                    Google Photo Album []


                    • #11
                      The brick pictured are for a round kiln. They are produced for various diameter with the appropriate curvature for each size. Very useful for a barrel oven, a little less user friendly for a dome. I have about 100 similar that I am planning to use for a special project.
                      The cost of living continues to skyrocket, and yet it remains a popular choice.


                      • #12
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	20160906_163935_resized.jpg
Views:	428
Size:	1.36 MB
ID:	392344 I've these I will be using them. The minister for finance would make sure of I could possibly change to barrel, but would prefer a dome. A dome is do-able with these bricks? I'll try and attach some pics of where it is going and the rough basic layout I am thinking of doing. Click image for larger version

Name:	20160906_164648_resized.jpg
Views:	401
Size:	1.39 MB
ID:	392342
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by philbo baggins View Post
                          I've these I will be using them. A dome is do-able with these bricks?
                          I cannot see why not. Anything is possible with time, patience and a good wet saw.





                          • #14
                            So I'm trying to get the dimensions set. Internal 965 , I should have external of around stand is 1560 (4 besser blocks) square ... minus the corner I've left off. So the shorter sides are 975. I'm just looking for a second opinion on whether I have enough space. I'm a little unsure on the landing/opening dimensions
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              If you are planning on having walls behind the oven in that corner, be sure to allow enough space to finish the outside of the oven. It's a real pain working into a corner.
                              Regarding Rockwool insulation, if you are getting it free then go for it, but if not you might save a bit over ceramic fibre blanket, but Rockwool does not cut as easily as CFB, is way more water absorbant, not particularly firm to work vermicrete against and slightly poorer in insulating value. I've used it on a couple of ovens but would now only use CFB, which is far superior IMO.
                              Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.

