Re: Finally started
Thanks guys. Did not get as far as I would have liked today as only got support for the arch and cutting of the bricks done. At least I'm ready to go with laying next weekend.
Re: Finally started
Originally posted by mnl View Post
Apologies, appear to have got the photo the wrong way round again..
Seriously, it looks great when I tilt my head far enough.
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Re: Finally started
Originally posted by mnl View Post
Apologies, appear to have got the photo the wrong way round again.
Looking good Mark,it's going to be a massive oven by the looks of it.Good idea with the use of insulation bricks into the vent area.
Keep up the good work,
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Re: Finally started
Today's progress. Hopefully it is starting to look like a pizza oven. The plan for tomorrow is to build some forms and start the arch (if my wife does not kill me first because of the brick dust I have created).
Apologies, appear to have got the photo the wrong way round again.
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Re: Finally started
Thanks. I have been using an iPhone or iPad. I had been meaning to try to work out the pattern, but had not go there yet. Maybe because I'm a mollydooker is the problem.
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Re: Finally started
If you using a phone button on the left......
Regards Dave
Looking good!!!!!
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Re: Finally started
Look like its going to be a big oven,nice!
Do me a favour and upload your images right side up,my neck is killing me
Just kidding :-
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Re: Finally started
The slabs came from Claypave at Dinmore (out near Ipswitch).
Today's progress was getting the floor cut and laid. I cut the slabs using an angle grinder. It makes a lot of dust. I used a dust mask and goggles but there was still dust everywhere.
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Re: Finally started
Sounds like you are well on your way,looking good.
I really like those hearth brick slabs,i couldnt find them when i was looking.
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Re: Finally started
Approximate oven layout. This is only with clay pavers on the bottom that I'm using for a bit of extra thermal mass as the refractory tiles I'm using for the hearth are only 50mm think.
I was going to try to get the hearth laid this afternoon, however if I'm going to lay the floor on a 45 degree angle, I need to do a bit of cutting before I start. I also have my 1 year old son at home today, therefore don't want to start playing with a big angle grinder when he might be creeping up behind me.
What do people thing, should I go 45 degrees for the hearth slabs? I also got some fire clay today, my plan was to mix up with some sand and water to put under the floor and assist with levelling. Is this the right approach?
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Re: Finally started
I feel like I have started the pizza oven bit now. Insulation laid. The place I went to only had calcium silicate in 600 x 150 x 25 boards. Therefore have doubled up. I have also ended up with more than I need and was thinking I might use it along the straight walls of the even as insulation.
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Re: Finally started
I agree cricket ashes potential take precedent over pizza ashes, however I'm going Thursday, Friday and Saturday, therefore have decided to dedicate Sunday to the pizza oven. The plan is to get the hearth slab poured, then I can get on with the real part of the pizza oven build!
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Re: Finally started
Pizza oven ashes take a back seat to cricket ashes
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