I made a simple curved trowel to set my pcrete which I used 8 to 1 doing the layers in 4" lifts.
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Mobile Oven Dome in MIchigan
Finished my curing fires today. After reading tons of posts on curing methods and timing I decided on the following.
Day 1 - two chaffing dish fuels for 6 hours - high temp 120 F
Day 2 - four chaffing dish fuels for 6 hours - high temp 200 F
Day 3 - turkey fryer burner on very low for 8 hours - high temp 300F
Day 4 - turkey burner on med for 8 hours - high temp 500 F
Day 5 - wood fire for 6 hours - high temp 700 F
Day 6 - wood fire for 5 hours - high temp 1,000 F
This seems to have worked pretty good. I plan to do a cooking fire tomorrow....
Originally posted by UtahBeehiver View PostI made a simple curved trowel to set my pcrete which I used 8 to 1 doing the layers in 4" lifts.
Thank you for the great info you contribute to this great forum.
How long did you hold the curved trowel to set my pcrete?
Also, I am planning to have a 8" pcrete ( approx. 20cm), Is that doable with the 8 to 1?
My pcrete is going to be vermiculite mixed with large pumice stone, do you think 8:1 is workable?
Held trowel until pcrete would not fall away, less than 60 seconds if I recall but I did not do 8" thickness, more like 3" so I cannot say how long 8" will take but you will need to do it in vertical lifts so it does not collapse vertically as well. 8 to 1 is what I used but can't say how pumice will affect workability or insulation factor.Russell
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One issue I am having is my chimney...I am using a 8x8 clay flue (I like the look). It is removable so I can store it when I travel. However, the flue is cracking. I believe this is because of the temp variance between the inside of the flue and the outside...especially on cool nights. Has anyone ever insulated the flue in a way that was attractive? Could I get way with using a flue blanket just until it warmed up and then leave it bare after heating the oven? Thanks for any thoughts.