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New Oven Installation

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  • New Oven Installation

    Hello All. I hope you all are well. I just found my contactor to install our oven and installation is going to start in a few weeks. we are going with the Casa 90.

    I have a question for everyone that has installed an oven...If there was one thing that that you would do different or one thing that is a must have what would it be?

    This thing is going to be permanent and I just don't want to miss anything. Really appreciate any responses Have a great night!.
    Last edited by tcuda24; 02-06-2021, 06:51 PM.

  • #2
    Make sure it’s as close as practicable to your kitchen.
    Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.


    • #3
      I appreciate that...thank you. Should be in pretty good shape there.


      • #4
        This may be too late as more than "a couple weeks" have passed since this post, but I thought I'd help with some thoughts

        What I learned from my recent install (contractor):
        1) If you install a counter in front of your oven mouth, make sure you specify that it is flush with the opening of the oven - easier to slide things in and out and your contractor may not think about it. If you look at the pics of my build you will see that the oven sits back 12 inches and is set to accommodate a granite slab in front.
        2) Glazed tile along the arch makes cleaning the inevitable soot easier. Likewise we originally placed mosaic tiles along the front of the enclosure, but removed them because it looked to "busy" (see the pics). If/when soot stains happen on the stucco it will be difficult to clean.
        3) My contractor forgot the included remote thermometer and had to drill into the back - not sure if the thing works anyway

        How's the build going?

        My oven
        I live in SanFrancisco, so our backyard is puny compare to others. I’m not going to say that I did the all myself; I got a lot of help (routing gas etc). We added the gas burner for some extra convenience. The help I got from the Forum here was huge as well, although, I didn’t actually ask any questions because I


        • #5
          Thank you for your response. I love your backyard and oven, looks great. now i want to see the pizza

          Build is going great and our oven is almost complete and i will share photos once done.

          1. good news is i hired a contractor that has installed quite a few of these and he was very specific with the counter top guys so we will see when it is installed this week.

          2. great advice and while i like the tile look, we will be all stone

          3. i have to ask my contractor about this as we didn't even talk about it. i purchased a casa 90 and i wonder if it automatically comes with it or if i have to purchase separately.

          really appreciate your advice...thank you!


          • #6
            Build with more countertop on either or both sides of your oven. I screwed up and my counter is nowhere near big enough. Oh well, too late now, I’ll have to wait and build a bigger bar on our lower patio later this season.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	C9DCBC79-6958-4D5D-B9F2-AB303CFE6E02.jpeg
Views:	388
Size:	121.1 KB
ID:	439522
            My newbie build thread:


            • #7
              Thank you for posting...your oven looks great. we had limited space but i can see what you are talking about with wanting larger counter tops (and beer tap).

              I am a little behind on the update and we are installed. cured the oven and cooked our first two batches with some success. looking forwarding to getting my new mixer so i can perfect the dough.

              Let me know what you guys think.

