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Boogie’s cast 37inch WFO Hawaii

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  • #61
    Ya mark mahalo... not sure how I would accomplish that?.. if I rotate the 4 squares say clockwise then cut in the entrance?? I have an extra big rick.. and big cut off from the landing... but not seeing how to do it.. I’ll try to get my head around it..
    My build::


    • #62
      Some have slightly rounded the top edges of the floor brick/tiles. I have found that, over time, the sharp square edges round naturally with use.
      Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


      • #63
        Originally posted by Boogie-D View Post
        Ya mark mahalo... not sure how I would accomplish that?.. if I rotate the 4 squares say clockwise then cut in the entrance?? I have an extra big rick.. and big cut off from the landing... but not seeing how to do it.. I’ll try to get my head around it..
        What's the size of your floor tiles? I can draw a few options.
        My 42" build:
        My oven drawings: My oven drawings - Forno Bravo Forum: The Wood-Fired Oven Community


        • #64
          The fire bricks are 18 x 18 mark.. 4 big squares.. I got 1 square for the flue galley.. and 1 extra brick if one broke in shipping... so I have a total of 6 @ 18 x 18 fire bricks
          I don’t mind the way it is... was trying to minimize cutting these things... they look very hard to cut... they are 3 inches thick... very heavy.. and all the edges pretty good.. sides flat... I have graft paper but don’t have a drawing compass... I’ll get one soon and try play around on paper.. thanks mark appreciate it...

          I am cutting my foundations form today... and cleaning up foundation area.. be pouring slab soon... mahalo
          My build::


          • #65
            Click image for larger version  Name:	6B93ECCE-5077-4485-96E1-3110E727FAED.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	997.8 KB ID:	435763 Click image for larger version  Name:	C2C2F4A1-25ED-4E44-A6B9-F42A3C8273DF.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	1.05 MB ID:	435762

            got my 2x6 slab form done... painter is one of my many jobs so I have lots of paint stuff... painted and clear coated my concrete slab form so concrete can’t stick to it...

            painted my oven template and cleared coated it.. tomorrow I’ll will perfectly cut out the outer black line... this outer black line is 4 inch foamglas and 2 inch CalSil line cut 2 inches past my cast dome.. this way my 2 inch of fire blanket can rest on the glass foam and calsil and not touch the concrete table... the grey line is my 2 1/2 cast dome... thank for all the help and guidance... aloha
            My build::


            • #66
              Looking good Boogie D!
              I'm planning to start digging this weekend maybe.
              My 70cm (28") build:


              • #67
                Originally posted by Boogie-D View Post
                The fire bricks are 18 x 18 mark.. 4 big squares.. I got 1 square for the flue galley.. and 1 extra brick if one broke in shipping... so I have a total of 6 @ 18 x 18 fire bricks
                I don’t mind the way it is... was trying to minimize cutting these things... they look very hard to cut... they are 3 inches thick... very heavy.. and all the edges pretty good.. sides flat... I have graft paper but don’t have a drawing compass... I’ll get one soon and try play around on paper.. thanks mark appreciate it...

                I am cutting my foundations form today... and cleaning up foundation area.. be pouring slab soon... mahalo
                Here ya go Boogie - I've drawn your drawing to scale. From that, I realised that you did not have a 'lip' for the door to seat against. Not sure if that's intentional or not. So, I've drawn an alternative which only makes the landing 2 inches deeper. But, if you do create a door 'lip' then that will push your landing width wider (on the outside arch) than your inner arch 18" width, so that brings me neatly back to the idea of using your six floor tiles on the diagonal which solves that problem nicely. I've used your 10.5" door height, but on the outer arch that will, of course, be 1 inch higher than the inner arch. Happy to add dimensions but, really, it's all as per your drawing - except for the door arch changes, of course.

                Let me know what you think!
                Attached Files
                My 42" build:
                My oven drawings: My oven drawings - Forno Bravo Forum: The Wood-Fired Oven Community


                • #68
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	575BA769-D66E-41DA-B315-BB7651F1CAF1.jpeg
Views:	587
Size:	718.5 KB
ID:	435792 Aloha Mark nice work!!! .. thank you.... I like it... my only concern is that there is a bit of cutoff waste and a few more perfectly straight cuts to preform (worried about cutting this stuff)... but looks very good... I am wondering if I cut one of those entry bricks and flip it over, is there enough left to make the other side thus saving cutting another brick... all in all I did ok with the bricks and shipping cost.. and I could probably figure out something to do with the cutoff left overs... so pretty keen to give it a go... I have a tile setter buddy with all the saws he is going to help me cut these beasts... I’ll send your plan over to him.. my confidence is low cutting perfect lines in such thick heavy brick...

                  I am planning to cast in 2 sessions as advised my David... quote from david s “It is far easier to cast the dome with an oven mouth plate set in place, then remove it when the cast has set, then make the flue gallery mould in front of the oven mouth. This method also makes a better rebate for the oven door to sit against”” end quote; that’s from serge’s build.... my dome cast is 2 1/2 inches thick.. so going to make a door mold that thickness... my flue galley cast will be 2 inches thick and give me the 1/2 door reveal..

                  I have a lot of time to work this out as I’ll be pouring my foundation slab soon... thanks Mark Aloha
                  My build::


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Boogie-D View Post
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	575BA769-D66E-41DA-B315-BB7651F1CAF1.jpeg
Views:	587
Size:	718.5 KB
ID:	435792 Aloha Mark nice work!!! .. thank you.... I like it... my only concern is that there is a bit of cutoff waste and a few more perfectly straight cuts to preform (worried about cutting this stuff)... but looks very good... I am wondering if I cut one of those entry bricks and flip it over, is there enough left to make the other side thus saving cutting another brick... all in all I did ok with the bricks and shipping cost.. and I could probably figure out something to do with the cutoff left overs... so pretty keen to give it a go... I have a tile setter buddy with all the saws he is going to help me cut these beasts... I’ll send your plan over to him.. my confidence is low cutting perfect lines in such thick heavy brick...

                    I am planning to cast in 2 sessions as advised my David... quote from david s “It is far easier to cast the dome with an oven mouth plate set in place, then remove it when the cast has set, then make the flue gallery mould in front of the oven mouth. This method also makes a better rebate for the oven door to sit against”” end quote; that’s from serge’s build.... my dome cast is 2 1/2 inches thick.. so going to make a door mold that thickness... my flue galley cast will be 2 inches thick and give me the 1/2 door reveal..

                    I have a lot of time to work this out as I’ll be pouring my foundation slab soon... thanks Mark Aloha
                    Hi Boogie. Yes, you'll easily get those pieces out of one tile, with some spare! I only drew it that way because it was easy. LOL I can draw the cuts from the one tile for you.
                    My 42" build:
                    My oven drawings: My oven drawings - Forno Bravo Forum: The Wood-Fired Oven Community


                    • #70
                      A recent build I'm on shows how you can cast a shallow flue gallery. There's plenty of room near the top to accomodate the flue pipe because as it gets closer to the top of the dome you have more room at the back of the gallery.. Pics tell the story. You could easily halve the depth the gallery that Mark's drawing provides.

                      Last edited by david s; 02-24-2021, 05:01 PM.
                      Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.


                      • #71
                        Hey Boogie-D, got any updates for us? I'm particularly interested in your opinion of the floor bricks since my build dimensions and designs are very similar. Hot enough? or too hot? I'm looking at the same pilot DP brick from PTI for my new build. I appreciate any input you have!


                        • #72
                          Aloha FB gang,

                          well I don’t know if you saw on the news but Hawaii got hit with some heavy rains.. it feels like it’s been raining for over a month now... our local town got hit by a flash flood... it was really devastating for some folks... homes and business were destroyed... we have been blessed the only thing for us is our dirt driveway to our house is a real mess and a 4wheel mud bog only... we had one day of sun and it’s back to raining today... it’s supposed rain another week.. uhhgg.

                          in the meantime we have been gearing up for bee season... and swarm fishing... we are introducing 4 hives to the farm this year... we got everything ready to bait up and very soon I will be placing my bee trap out... I’ve been seeing scout bees looking for a new bee home.. so they are getting ready.. we are very excited to get bees... that’s how we have been spending our rainy days.. we’ve built 16 bee hive boxes... and put in our bee garden/ apiary... we are ready to go when the rain stops

                          and when will it stop? I don’t know but when it does the guinea grass weeds are out of control... it’s going to take me a few days to wack it all down.. the good thing about all this rain is my fruit trees are exploding.... sometimes, or I should say, most of the time the farm has a mind of its own and the farm depicts our work.. another thing happening here is I cleared a big pasture and am getting ready to build a new barn and coral.... 40 new baby hens have arrived and I need this rain to stop so I can get busy building and fencing...

                          for now the WFO is on hold till the weather clears... so far the foundation I dug into the red clay hillside is holding its shape perfectly... I have my foundation form for the slab built... and all the concrete... I have about 90 percent of the WFO materials on site... I just need to have this rain stop and need to get caught up on farm work... one thing about all this rain is it’s really got me thinking about a dog house cover for my WFO... probably a pretty good idea for me... so I will have to look into a double walled chimney... sealing the chimney to the roof... etc... but I really think, with the rain Hawaii gets, it might be the best way to protect my oven... and save me the vermicrete step too.. . other then just waiting for good weather my only concern is I have my super duty fire bricks out on my deck... they are covered in plastic bags but I think they are getting wet... is this a problem if they get wet? If so I will move those heavy beast inside.. ok thank you guys.. I really appreciate all your insight and help on this project... I will get back at it soon... my prediction is after this next week of rain, sumner will hit us full blast... we only have 2 seasons in Hawaii, rainy season and dry season.. lol... aloha .
                          My build::


                          • #73
                            Good luck with the rain Boogie. We're fast heading into Autumn, much to my annoyance.
                            My 42" build:
                            My oven drawings: My oven drawings - Forno Bravo Forum: The Wood-Fired Oven Community


                            • #74
                              Aloha guys.... my life has taken a radical turn... my wife has been diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer and had a triple positive for hers2 estrogen cancer... I can’t begin to explain how difficult it’s been and it’s just gets worse everyday.. definitely the worst time of my families life... I won’t go Into to much detail here... if you want to find out more you can on face book search David Elgas Boogie-d

                              I’ll be doing another detailed post on face book soon and there is a go fund me set up for my wife there.. on face book you can learn more about what we’re going through.. it’s f@cked

                              as far as the pizza oven goes it’s on the back burner for now... it sucks I have all the oven materials and there scattered all over my house staring me in the face everyday... taunting me... despite all that’s going on with my wife’s cancer and my ever growing farm I hope to get busy on the oven foundation soon... we will see.. I’ve been saying that since cancer... the priority is my wife’s health, my businesses( Covid over), and my farm...

                              so if you’ve been wondering what happen to old boogie that’s it... been in the hospital way to much, my business are picking up post Covid, and my farm and bee apiary are growing quickly... and with out my partner I find myself taking on most of the household responsibilities... I hope to be able to report better news and any kind of oven progress when I can... thanks for being here.. aloha \uuu/
                              My build::


                              • #75
                                Ah man gutted to hear that...

                                Hope it turns out ok for you and your family.

                                I did wonder why we didn't hear from you.
                                My 70cm (28") build:

