Re: Texman Build
Thanks David, DJ and Gulf
It is not enclosed at all, just used some fiberboard to hold the stuff as i was filling. I intentionally made a drier mix, just trying to make it stay put. I have a real challenge in doing the "fill" since i am covered by roof and can't just pour in the dry stuff from the top. I think i will have to cover three sides and try and push it around, if i decide to even add anymore. With all that blanket, like DJ and David S said, i don't really think i need it. I have managed to add insulation to the area surrounding the floor, which i did need. I am paying about $30 for a 4cu ft bag of vermiculite and i would probably need 7-8 bags to completely fill. I just dont think i need it, but i get in trouble when i think.
As far as adding vcrete for buttress, i do think that i need to do that. So i have to get vermiculite anyway. My idea for containing the vcrete for the buttress area is using roof flashing that i can roll up and fasten as i fill and just leave and cover with concrete board. I could do that on the sides as well if a complete fill is warranted. I want to have a solid, no seam layer of concrete board for the stucco to avoid cracking. I also plan to add a decorative vent in the front around the bottom of that triple wall to allow air flow and draw to the chimney pipe. As dry as it stays here and with some air flow and as slow as i am, i think it will dry out. (hope)
I have poured the landing and colored it just in case i wanted to expose any of it, but i probably wont. Thinking of covering with chicago brick splits and sealing, not sure. Thanks for all your help! I really appreciate it.
PS Any difference in using perlite instead of vermiculite?
Thanks David, DJ and Gulf
It is not enclosed at all, just used some fiberboard to hold the stuff as i was filling. I intentionally made a drier mix, just trying to make it stay put. I have a real challenge in doing the "fill" since i am covered by roof and can't just pour in the dry stuff from the top. I think i will have to cover three sides and try and push it around, if i decide to even add anymore. With all that blanket, like DJ and David S said, i don't really think i need it. I have managed to add insulation to the area surrounding the floor, which i did need. I am paying about $30 for a 4cu ft bag of vermiculite and i would probably need 7-8 bags to completely fill. I just dont think i need it, but i get in trouble when i think.

As far as adding vcrete for buttress, i do think that i need to do that. So i have to get vermiculite anyway. My idea for containing the vcrete for the buttress area is using roof flashing that i can roll up and fasten as i fill and just leave and cover with concrete board. I could do that on the sides as well if a complete fill is warranted. I want to have a solid, no seam layer of concrete board for the stucco to avoid cracking. I also plan to add a decorative vent in the front around the bottom of that triple wall to allow air flow and draw to the chimney pipe. As dry as it stays here and with some air flow and as slow as i am, i think it will dry out. (hope)
I have poured the landing and colored it just in case i wanted to expose any of it, but i probably wont. Thinking of covering with chicago brick splits and sealing, not sure. Thanks for all your help! I really appreciate it.
PS Any difference in using perlite instead of vermiculite?