Even with the gallery well insulated some of its heat can be lost via the uninsulated face and sides that lead to the flue. Reducing the conduction between it and the inner dome with your rope separation should further slow heat transfer. Another method is to use a lightweight gallery which reduces the heat sink effect by lowering its thermal mass.
I hope everyone is well!
I put up a cumaru horizontal board fence and intentionally bought way to much cumaru, my plan was to use the excess for future projects. Here's one of them. Time for new doors for the WFO. One for the outer oven opening and two for the wood storage below.
Cobbled this together yesterday from some of the drops left over after the fence was done. Gave it a coat of Ipe oil and let it sit. For this one, I'll add a sheet metal shield to the back side, the cumaru cleats on the back will provide a gap between the wood and metal. Once all three doors are done I'll fashion door handles. No thought went into this to make it amazing. The thought was to get it done. And I'm happy with it.
I might consider cutting the radius down an inch or two so there's a bit of space between the wood and the cast arch. I'll wait to get the wood storage doors done before deciding.
Last edited by mongota; 02-21-2025, 08:01 PM.
Door handles. Old doors had metal handles, I did the same on these. Happened to see these handles on a walk through the hardware aisle at a box store when I was picking up drawer slides for another project. I like the size of them as well as the aesthetic. All three doors are easily lifted with one hand, and the doors hang withing 10-15 degrees of vertical. That makes them easy to remove, place on the ground, lift up, and replace in the openings single-handed.
Nice doors Mongo! I keep wanting to make some for my wood storage area but have not found the time - maybe I can use yours as inspiration!My build thread
They certainly came out nice. Part of my procrastination is my patio has a slope that makes water run down towards the oven. If I do make doors out of wood, I have to do something on the bottom to keep the water from damaging them. Not an insurmountable problem - I just have not come up with a solution I'm happy with yet.My build thread
I'll be adding a small piece of 3/4 x3/4 angle iron to the bottom edge of the doors, all that would be seen from the outside would be the 1/8" thickness of the angle, the upturn of the angle would be on the back or interior side of the door. Cumaru is a pretty tough wood, but the steel angle would act as a wear strip and minimize dings to the wood when I'm moving the doors about. It would also isolate the end grain of the boards from the concrete slab.
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That wood sure finishes up nice. Great job and welcome back.Russell
Google Photo Album [https://photos.google.com/share/AF1Q...JneXVXc3hVNHd3/]
Wow, those doors are stunning and being able to one hand & stand 'em off is fabulous. Any worries about developing a rust stain on the concrete from the angle iron strip?Mike Stansbury - The Traveling Loafer
Roseburg, Oregon
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