Russell answered your question pretty well for both of us Marc. My oven opening is a bit different than Russell's (I used angle iron) with a rectangular inner "arch" but the same answer outer opening could be lower without impeding my door. I've attached a few pics to show the front of my oven so you can better envision how easily I could have lowered the outer arch if I would have known it would be an issue (albeit a minor one
The last picture shows my fire door (closest to the reveal) and my pre-paint "working" door (sitting on the outer landing) to give you an idea of how much head room I actually had to work with. (p.s. The object hanging down on the right side of the door shot is my LED BBQ light so I can see into the oven when it's dark outside

The last picture shows my fire door (closest to the reveal) and my pre-paint "working" door (sitting on the outer landing) to give you an idea of how much head room I actually had to work with. (p.s. The object hanging down on the right side of the door shot is my LED BBQ light so I can see into the oven when it's dark outside
