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42” Pompeii in San Felipe, MX

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  • #91
    I love the storm door idea... certainly don’t want the undesirables doing the unspeakable in there. Probably be nice to have a way to close off the flue too. We have a bit of a honey bee issue here. They will start a hive anywhere.maybe a simple screen.
    My Oven Build


    • #92
      Little bit bummed out on how things are progressing. I set the next set of inner arch bricks and about 45 minutes afterward I decided to mark the next set to measure with the IT and then cut them. We I barely bumped the one on the left and knocked it loose. I then looked at the right side and basically picked it up off the one it was mortared to. I’m not at all pleased with the cracking on the large mortar gaps either... pictures are attached.

      I’ve tried short soak, long soak, no soak and just a spritz of fresh clean water. All bricks get a short soak with a good scrub with a brush. I rinse them in the same water I clean them in... maybe that’s the problem, I don’t know.

      In hind sight, I’m kinda glad I have to re-set them. They were not as straight as I would have liked... but I was going to live with it and adjust on the next few arch bricks as I went up. So, not a great loss. I do know that I have to get this arch moving up before I can work the rings much more.

      Speaking of the rings or courses, I think I’m going to have to start wedge cutting them to reduce the mortar gap if I ever want to stop having these monster cracks. These cracks only appear at the wide gaps. Looking at the thin gaps, there is no cracking... but, there is the fact that the bricks I just laid basically popped right off. Maybe I should set them and not go near them until they are good and dry???


      Thank you, Mikie V.
      My Oven Build


      • #93
        What is the consistency of your mortar?

        I live in a more humid climate than you, and I would still soak my bricks until they were done bubbling and would wait to pull them out of the bucket until I was good and ready to butter them with mortar (peanut butter consistency). I kept the garden hose with a mist attachment nearby and would mist EVERYTHING between batches of mortar.

        Also, I only mixed enough mortar to lay about 8 bricks at a time. You might want to do even smaller batches in a dryer climate... When I mixed more than that it would start to flash before I got it all used, which is what I am thinking is happening to you. There is a point where the mortar is still sort of workable but it's not bonding well, and that's when I would have issues with the brick coming loose after you think it's set...

        Also, are you misting the finished part of your dome before laying new bricks? That's another place that can really suck the moisture out of your mortar.

        I also tried to keep it damp for at least 24-48 hours (3 days is preferable) after mortaring anything...
        - seth s.

        my build (in progress)

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        • #94
          Thank you Slschoming for the input... my consistency of the mortar has been what I consider really wet. It will stick to the trowel, but just barely. I could probably go a bit wetter. When I make mortar I use a Red Solo cup... 3 cups sand to 1 cup lime, Portland and fire clay. I can lay about 5 bricks and have a bit left over that I had been putting on the fiber board to protect it. As far as how much water, well, I mix water in until it will just stay on a trowel. It’s pretty wet. I find that the instant the mortar hits the brick it starts to soak in real fast. So fast that I have very little time to work the brick down into place. I thought that was a good thing. You know, the mortar sucking the bricks together. Obviously too quick. With the heat and wind here I think that everything drys really fast. For instance, clothing that is on the clothesline is dry in 15 minutes.

          Before I lay a brick I clean and soak them, but then they will typically sit in the sun. I believe they are bone dry when I set them. I do dampen all contact areas before applying mortar, but it’s not much... I can watch the moisture disappear before my very eyes.

          Today I will do a small run and soak the crap out of them.... also, after they are set I will keep them moist. I’ve been trying NOT to use to much water to keep from getting my fiber board wet... it hates water.

          Thanks for the very helpful reply and also enjoy the documentation of you build

          Mikie V.
          Last edited by modified9v; 10-10-2019, 09:29 AM.
          My Oven Build


          • #95
            Originally posted by modified9v View Post

            Today I will do a small run and soak the crap out of them.... also, after they are set I will keep them moist. I’ve been trying to to use to much water to keep from getting my fiber board wet... it hates water.
            Let me know how it works for you, I imagine it can be pretty difficult to keep enough moisture in your brickwork in such a dry environment! I didn't worry too much about my board getting wet while doing my build knowing it would dry out during the curing fires.
            Last edited by slschoming; 10-10-2019, 08:03 AM.
            - seth s.

            my build (in progress)

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            • #96
              Thanks again!!! Yes, it can be very dry here. We have had a spell with no rain for a long time. It’s so dry that the flies and honey bees will do anything for water. I have fly traps set and they still drive me crazy. Stung by bees twice yesterday on my foot. Ughhh!!! I will also note that the humidity here can be unbearable for a few months (85%+) but it is dried up again. Today we have winds out of the north at 20 kph. I had to take down my easy-up.

              Attached are the pics of the arch bricks laid only 20 minutes ago. You can see how wet the top ones are. The bottom bricks were moist when I set the uppers but not nearly as wet as they are now. They are sucking the wet right outta the mortar. I will keep it damp today as long as I can then cover it.

              As for the fiber board getting wet. This stuff I got from our sponsor sucks up water like a sponge. We had a little snaffu with the washing machine drain and flooded the garage floor. Of course I had some of the fiber board I was planning on using for my door. It nearly doubled in size. I then got some wet by mistake that had some bricks sitting on it... the bricks sunk into the board... I didn’t even get it that wet. It was mist from the wet saw. You can see why I’m hesitant to let it get very wet at all. The next time I’m in the States I will pick up some Red Guard to help seal around any exposed fiber board.

              I’m gonna let these arch bricks set till this afternoon before I go near them. I’m planning to prep the next 2 sets of arch bricks tonight and set them tomorrow. I will report back when I know.

              Thanks again, Mikie V.
              My Oven Build


              • #97
                Originally posted by modified9v View Post
                As for the fiber board getting wet. This stuff I got from our sponsor sucks up water like a sponge. We had a little snaffu with the washing machine drain and flooded the garage floor. Of course I had some of the fiber board I was planning on using for my door. It nearly doubled in size. I then got some wet by mistake that had some bricks sitting on it... the bricks sunk into the board... I didn’t even get it that wet. It was mist from the wet saw. You can see why I’m hesitant to let it get very wet at all. The next time I’m in the States I will pick up some Red Guard to help seal around any exposed fiber board.
                Oh wow, I didn't realize it would do that. The board that I bought locally actually pools water so I didn't have to worry about that..

                Click image for larger version

Name:	water on board.jpg
Views:	472
Size:	208.4 KB
ID:	417176
                - seth s.

                my build (in progress)

                Google Photo Album:


                • #98
                  Most CaSi board will readily absorb water. This is one of the reasons elevating the boards off the hearth, ie foamglas, ceramic tiles, pavers, and placing weep holes in the hearth is suggested. Wet board will dry out eventually. Wet CaSi or AlSi (FB) is one of the most common issues with poor heat retention in ovens.
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                  • #99
                    Originally posted by UtahBeehiver View Post
                    Most CaSi board will readily absorb water. This is one of the reasons elevating the boards off the hearth, ie foamglas, ceramic tiles, pavers, and placing weep holes in the hearth is suggested. Wet board will dry out eventually. Wet CaSi or AlSi (FB) is one of the most common issues with poor heat retention in ovens.
                    I am guessing that my CalSil board would absorb from the sides where I cut it and maybe the top is just coated with a waterproof membrane of some type.
                    - seth s.

                    my build (in progress)

                    Google Photo Album:


                    • It’s been a bit of a down afternoon here with the winds. I still have power (solar) and infrequent internet. Was, and still am, stressing about the cuts for the inner arch. I’ve had so much help, via email, private message and here but am still just struggling with it. My apologies. I’ve worn out the search button and yet I know the answer is right here.These guys hangin’ around helping out... sheesh, this is gold.

                      In the meantime, as we near the Day of the Dead... and thinking about life here in San Felipe, I decided to give in for a minute and look at SKULLS... you know, those day of the dead skulls you see everywhere in Mexico? I want to incorporate one, like in the photo, into my outer arch keystone.... I know, we are a long way from there.

                      Anyway, been a great day and I’m happy that the mortar looks pretty good. I’m confident that it will hold (until I whack it).
                      My Oven Build


                      • Originally posted by modified9v View Post
                        It’s been a bit of a down afternoon here with the winds. I still have power (solar) and infrequent internet. Was, and still am, stressing about the cuts for the inner arch. I’ve had so much help, via email, private message and here but am still just struggling with it. My apologies. I’ve worn out the search button and yet I know the answer is right here.
                        I found that it's easier to search the forum by typing "" followed by what you're searching for into Google instead of the forum search bar. For example, to search for "inner arch," type " inner arch" into Google. The only results that come back will be from the forum, but I find that Google does a better job of searching by keyword.
                        - seth s.

                        my build (in progress)

                        Google Photo Album:


                        • Thanks SLS for the search tip... it works way better than the one on this forum. There is so much information to sift through and I’m just missing it.

                          I did make some progress this morning. The next arch bricks are in... they ain’t pretty and I’m sure I’m already off target (see pictures attached) but at least I have the mortar gaps still in line.

                          As you can see in the 1st pic I removed the arch form to clean up the inside of the arch. I just had to. I was very, very careful and it came out easy enough. This is probably the last time I will be able to remove it.

                          The 2nd & 4th picture illustrate my struggle with the taper. I’m still not getting it. I’ve gone back over everything that has been sent to me and I’m still scratching my head. I do not have it. At this point I ready to just cut each one to fit... hasn’t worked out too well yet, but maybe I’ll get there. In the end I’m sure it will stand and function. It’s just messin’ with me. Maybe I should make a short video explaining and showing why I don’t get it???? Thoughts on that???

                          Oh, and it looks like it’s time to move my cutting & work table out to the build... I’m wearing out my shoes walking back and forth now. Maybe later today. I think it’s time for a cocktail. I may be noon here, but it is 5 o’clock somewhere.

                          Anyway, thanks for lookin’ and the help,
                          Mikie V.
                          My Oven Build


                          • Attached is link from JR Pizza that may help you visualize. As I mentioned before, start at TDC and work down.

                            Last edited by UtahBeehiver; 10-14-2019, 06:41 AM.
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                            • Thanks Russell... So, it’s not to late to straighten this mess out?
                              My Oven Build


                              • First, my apologies for dragging this out and I’d like to voice my appreciation for your patience.

                                OK... attached is a photo of my keystone, obviously before cutting. The arc of the inside of the dome is drawn from the IT center point and the line on top of the keystone is the outside edge of where a “proposed” chain brick would lay. The angle cut is simply the length of the dome brick (4.5”)... I clamped an chain brick in the IT and swung it over to the keystone and I used that brick as a template to draw the line. The dotted line is where I’d like to make the cut instead of the actual inside dome arc. That is if no one sees a problem with that. My reason is that I believe it might make the exiting gasses flow out and into the vent more smoothly.

                                Is this it? If so, just continue with each brick first finding the inner arc of the dome and the subsequent topside cut where the proposed outside chain brick would intersect?

                                And, if the above is all good, can I simply cut them all and mortar the whole dang arc into place? If all this is true then I’m gonna have a heck of a time making it look good at the point I already have arch bricks mortared in.

                                Thank you for you time and again, my apologies!!!
                                Mikie V.
                                My Oven Build

