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Treehouse Pizza

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  • Small update I managed to get all the parts I have installed on the pavilion. And fortunately tomorrow my 16' 6x6 are scheduled to be delivered. I will be very happy to have those installed. That is the one thing that truly scares me on this build. Something about trying to lift a 150# beam 11' in the air potentially by myself has me nervous. Once that is in I can put the rafters up and put my car siding on for the bottom side of the roof. I will then cover that with 3/4" plywood and then ice and water barrier and shingles. Hopefully I can get some of this done this weekend and then I have Tuesday off next week and I am hoping to hammer out a bunch then.



    • Just a quick picture. I thought it looked cool with the string lights on.

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      • I finally got my 16' beams today. They arrived just before I got home from work so I immediately went to work on cutting them to size and putting lap joints where needed. I then managed to talk a friend in to coming over to give me a hand putting them up. I am down to just needing to do the last 2 corner braces on the back side then install the rafters and roofing. This came together pretty quickly. I did have several hours of layout and precutting all the parts but that saved a lot of time during assembly. I am very excited to finally get the roof on this build.

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        • I did not get as much time this weekend to work on the oven as I had hoped but I still made some reasonable progress. I managed to layout all my rafters and cut all the birds mouth cuts in them and install them. I used 8" GRK 8" construction lag screws to attach the rafters to the frame work. I also got started on my decorative carsiding and I am very happy with how it is turning out.

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          • Originally posted by RandyJ View Post
            I did not get as much time this weekend to work on the oven as I had hoped but I still made some reasonable progress. I managed to layout all my rafters and cut all the birds mouth cuts in them and install them. I used 8" GRK 8" construction lag screws to attach the rafters to the frame work. I also got started on my decorative carsiding and I am very happy with how it is turning out.

            Finishing touches. It's looking really great, especially the wooden construction.
            Only dead fish go with the flow


            • Hey Toiletman thanks for the compliment. I got lucky today and we were not allowed to be in the building we are working on as they had a major corporate meeting and didn't want disturbance form us lowly construction people. So I made the most of it and got a friend that is out of work at the moment to come over and help me for the day. We made major progress. All of the carsiding is in place and the plywood sheeting and the shingles are all on and the trim around the roof is done too.

              I did put the rain cap on buy I need to get another 3' of chimney as I am not tall enough. I also need to get some high temp silicone to seal the storm colar. Hopefully tomorrow the rest of my lights and diffuser show up. Not sure when I will be able to get that done but hopefully sooner rather than later.

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              • Well I should probably wait but I got one row of my lighting plan done today after work and I am very excited with how it is turning out. This is 25% done. It is 11.5' on each side of a rafter or a total length of 7M. This is a 5M govee M1 and 2 of the 1M extension. Once done there will be 4 bays lighted on each side of the chimney.

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                • Well I managed to get the rest of the bays of lightning up. It was pretty easy as all I had to do was cut a notch at the end of the top channel and fold the back back and file the edges to remove any sharp spots. Then I just used some sharp point screws and screwed it into the top of the rafters. I made sure to stager the covers different than the channels so everything lined up nicely. In total I used 28M of Muzota U108 channel or at least I am pretty sure that was the one. I also used 1 of the 5M Govee M1 led strips and 2 of the 1M extension on each run. There are a total of 4 runs for a total of 28M of light. I managed to get all of the connected to the app on my phone and now just need to get them all grouped together. I don't think I am going to get the electric all piped in this fall as I really want to focus on the stone veneer. So it will probably stay with extension cords and splitter for the winter. I will post some more pictures of at night but I have this one from when I finished for now.

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                  • Looks fantastic Randy! I love these type of lights...I installed rope lights with similar results. I still remember one of my first bread bakes that went long. It was before I had any lights and I pulled my bake door & peered into a totally dark chamber. Had to go back into the house for a flashlight...absolutely never expected how dark it would be inside the oven at night. A flexible neck BBQ light got added to my oven paraphernalia and rope lighting in the rafters shortly afterwards when I also realized the difficulty in serving & eating in near total darkness! I love your build...great job!
                    Mike Stansbury - The Traveling Loafer
                    Roseburg, Oregon

                    FB Forum: The Dragonfly Den build thread
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                      • Thank you SableSprings and UtahBeehiver for the kind words. Now that I am back home and it is dark out I can see that this turned out even better than I had hoped. I wish I could post a video here to show how it looks but don't think I can. I also will post some pictures the next time I have a fire going and it is dark. The patterns on the lights line up very nicely and all run at the same time. It can be absolutely mesmerizing and I am sure I will spend too much time just staring at the lights. The color is also very bold and bright. There is enough light in white mode to easily be able to read. The wood ceiling also looks awesome in the light patterns. If anyone has questions please let me know. This was super easy to do and set up. It was a bit expensive but so was the whole project so a extra 500$ didn't break the budget.

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