I have one of those "Keggerators" mine is made by Sanyo and I think it was a FRY's Electronics purchase or possibly an HD purchase. I dont really remember. I got it in an exchange of sorts. Back when Vince Young played for the Longhorns a few years back, a buddy of mine was lobbying hard for a certain number of football tickets. I just happen to have season tickets, another buddy of mine split the cost for a block of 4. Long story short, I bartered the Keggerator for single ticket entry to Ohio State, Oklahoma and some other team. That year I could have paid for my entire season tickets by just selling Ohio State and OU, so I think he got a deal

The thing works great. Mine will hold a 15.5 gallon keg and has a CO2 bottle that came with it. It basically looks like a mini fridge, like one you would find in a hotel or barracks. They come with everything you need including tap and all connections for american beer kegs. I need to take a few pics and post. Its been one of the best appliances ever in my household. The longest I have ever had a keg was 2 months. The first beer was as fresh as the last. Lately, the kegs arent lasting as long. I wonder if im getting ripped off with a keg that shows up half full?

I keep threatening to purchase a European coupler and start trying out some of the German beers like Spaten. Guinness would be really cool in the winter time but you gotta have a really special setup for that.
In any event, Beer and Pizza go together, IMHO. So if you are gonna go bawls to the wall on the Pizza Oven, dont forget the keggerator for the Beer! Its like having Cornflakes without the milk!

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