I have been harping lately about where salvage/used fire bricks came from and what process they were used in. Just trying to keep folks safe from bricks involved with bad chemical or heavy metals processes that may have contaminated the bricks.
Hi Russell
Hadn't thought of that. Might make some enquiries from the guy I purchased this lot from. The hearth tiles are new, only the dome is used firebricks. My last oven I also used, used bricks i bought from Brickie-in Oz, if you remember.
Everyone that has eaten from that oven is still with us!!!!!but I do get your point and will make some enquiries. They look ok surface wise. Maybe a light sanding before laying would remove any possible contaminants.
Originally posted by zoolander...I noticed in this thread you talked about a piece of "SS"...What is "SS"?...
Thermal conductivity, kCopper 401 Aluminum 205 Brass 109 Iron 70 Carbon Steel 54 Stainless Steel 17
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Coastal Pizza already answered the SS question. But a good place to look for a piece of stainless steel tubing is a metal surplus or fab shop for cut offs. The thinner wall the better, you could even use channel as well. You only need a couple feet.Russell
Google Photo Album [https://photos.google.com/share/AF1Q...JneXVXc3hVNHd3/]
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I would check your local classifieds or Craigslist for used double all SS vent. If you go retail then most big box stores, ie HD or Menards carry it. I have also seen some on Ebay or online stores.Russell
Google Photo Album [https://photos.google.com/share/AF1Q...JneXVXc3hVNHd3/]
Got too here before April. Then needed to plan a Buddhist commitment ceremony and then plan a Christian wedding, then actually get married. Been with this amazing woman for 10 years.
Will post other photos leading up to this in due course. few other things to do before I can get any further. plus weather has been very wet, and work busy, and weekends have been taken up with family stuff.
The 2 blocks sitting on top at the front will be the final hearth height. The base will store 2 metres of wood as it is 2200x2100 with 4 storage areas. The right side will have a prep area and the oven positioned to the left of the base. Those of you familiar with the last build will notice I'm continuing the Zen Japanese theme.
CheersLast edited by oasiscdm; 07-14-2019, 07:57 AM.
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Photos loaded show the setting with all the forest removed, excavated, crushed rock spread. The Yucca root mass gone [thank God]. Now the fun begins, with all the infrastructure stuff and oven base, garden beds, irrigation, pipes under paving water pipes, electrical wiring needs to be installed, pond installed, pump, Shishi Odoshi etc. Will be hooking all of outside to voice control [Echo Alexa].
Let the fun beginLast edited by oasiscdm; 07-15-2019, 01:13 AM.
Ok done. next step render and finish the base. Not sure when i will get back to it. Next 5 months are really hectic.
The centre row of Hebel on the base supports the middle of the oven hearth. Before table top is placed i will run and angle iron lintel across the openings to support the table/hearth.
The table base will be 75mm hebel panel/75mm insulation tiles/25mm calsil board/75mm x 600 x 300 fire brick tilesLast edited by oasiscdm; 07-15-2019, 05:25 AM.
Looking nice Colin. I am sure build two will be a work of art too.Russell
Google Photo Album [https://photos.google.com/share/AF1Q...JneXVXc3hVNHd3/]
Hi Colin,
As Hebel is so water absorbent it would be prudent to seal the top of the Hebel supporting slab to prevent rising damp. Get the Hebel Power Panel, it has 4mm reinforcing rods cast into the centre.
Looking forward to your new build.Last edited by david s; 07-15-2019, 03:31 PM.Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.